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"So Seung min isn't Woo jin's real brother, He was adopted". Min ho stopped at his spot when he realized something. What Seung min had said when he came to their dorm.

"We met at the orphanage".

He let out a sigh as he continued walking. He was on his way from the dance studio back to his dorm. He was planning on going straight to his dorm when he heard his stomach. He stopped and looked at his stomach and let out another sigh. Looking around he spotted a small 24/7 open store. "I guess I should eat something". He mumbled to himself as he started walking towards the store.

He stepped inside the store and the door rang, informing the worker that someone had entered. "Welcome". He walked towards the aisle, taking one instant noodle and walking to the cashier to pay for it.

Soon he was sitting near the windows as he started to eat the instant noodles. His phone which vibrated, brought his attention. He let out a sigh and pulled it out, clearly annoyed by the fact that someone had interputed his diner but stopped when he saw the text. He raised an eyebrow when he saw the unsaved number.


- Please help me.


Min ho stopped in front of the store as he tried to catch his breath. He noticed a few thug like people standing near the store. There were three of them. Ignoring them all, He stood up straight and walked inside the store. The familiar bell rang of the store. He looked around the store to see any sign of someone but couldn't find any. Taking out his phone he began to type.


Where are you? -

A few seconds later his phone vibrated which brought his attention.


- In the store room.

With that he looked up and spotted the store room. He pushed his phone inside his pocket and walked to the store room. Opening the door, he saw a familiar body sitting on the floor, shaking. "Shit". He cursed under his breath, he sat on one knee. "Ji sung".

The boy looked up as he heard his name being called up. Tears ran down his cheeks as he sniffed. "S-Sunbae...". Min ho signed and looked at the boy. "Come on, let's get you out of here". Min ho said, helping the boy to stand up. "I-I can't go out there. T-They'll see me". Ji sung told the older boy, who looked down as he tried to think of something.

He then took off his hoodie, wearing a white t-shirt underneath. "Wear this". Min ho passed it on and the boy looked at him with the hoodie in his hands before hesitately putting it on. Min ho placed the hood on top of the boy's head before looking at him.

"Whatever happens-" he held the boy's hand and looked at Ji sung, who had a suprised expression. "-don't let go".

Ji sung softly nodded and held back Min ho's hand. Min ho nodded back before he started walking out with the boy walking next to him. They both exited the store quietly, walking the opposite way from the thugs. Ji sung's face hidden in the hood. The voices of the thug like people stopped. Ji sung's breath hitched, he held Min ho's hand tight, Min ho holding it back trying to calm the boy. They thought they had successfully escaped when Ji sung's heart beat stopped.

"You two. Stop right there".

What do you think? Any theories?

Q. What's your sexuality?

For me Wattpad is a place where i don't have to hide.

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-Your sad girl :<

Version Of Me | MinSung |Where stories live. Discover now