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Min ho walked towards the door after he heard a knock. Chan and the others had just left because it was getting late and there was no sign of Ji sung, so Min ho figured that maybe he left something behind. He opened the door, ready to be greeted by Chan but saw someone else.

"Can I help you?" He asked in his normal monotune voice. The boy had puppy like features and was on crutches. He looked younger than Min ho so he assumed that the boy had lost his way. "Min ho sunbae? Is Ji sung here?" He asked looking at the senior. He showed the older his phone. "I called him and texted him a lot of times but he isn't responding". He told Min ho who shook his head. "He isn't here yet. I don't know where he is either". The younger actually looked concerned about Ji sung so he figured that he was a friend of his.

"Is it okay if i come inside for a while? My legs kind of hurt from climbing all the stairs". Seung min asked, feeling a little embarrassed. It was his first time speaking to Min ho. Not that he was scared or anything. No, he felt like that because of his leg's condition. Min ho may be quiet and cold hearted but he would never let someone who was physically disabled to be left out like that. He was a human being himself. So he opened the door for the boy to enter, who smiled and bowed as a thank you before he entered with the help of the crutches.

Min ho walked back into the living room with a glass of water. The younger one said thank you and drank it. "So you're friends with Ji sung?" Min ho asked earning a nod from him. "Yes, my name is Seung min, Kim Seung Min". Min ho nodded, not talking because he wasn't someone talktive and Chan didn't mind Min ho not talking. "You must be dorm mates with him?" Seung min asked earning a nod from the older one. They both sat in an awkward silence before Seung min broke it. "Have you tried calling him or texting him?" Min ho looked at him and shook his head. "I thought he was out with his friends so i didn't bother, i don't have his phone number either". Seung min had heard the tales about the 'Cold Hearted Prince' so he understood.

"H-He doesn't have any friends actually". Seung min explained, looking down at his lap. Min ho looked at the younger one, expression not changing. "I thought you said you were his friend?" Min ho asked, raising his eyebrow. "He is my friend but I don't think i'm his".

"What was that suppose to mean?"

"Our meeting and goodbyes were complicated. We met at the orphanage. It-It's really complicated. But he doesn't like me anymore, like me as in wanted to be friends with me anymore". Seung min explained, quickly fixing his words. This caught Min ho's attention.

Orphanage? What was Ji sung doing in an orphanage?

But like always he told himself that it wasn't his business so he just shrugged it off.

What do you think? 

Your sad girl :<

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