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Min ho lied wide awake in his bed as he stared at the empty ceiling. Empty. That was what he felt. It had been a day since he had dinner with his mother's family. His mother, was she even his mother? Min ho didn't even know anymore. He hadn't seen her after he went out of the house the yesterday night.

He didn't do much after he went out of the house, he just went to a nearby park, scolded himself for crying and tried to calm himself down, which he miserably failed at first but then after a few more tries and deep breaths he had finally calmed down. He stayed at the park for an hour or two and then went back to the house. He figured everyone had gone to sleep since the lights were out and he guessed right.

He didn't go to sleep, more like he couldn't so he just buried himself in his books. That's what he did all day, study, study and study. His mother didn't come to give him food and neither did he go out of the room. He didn't feel like eating or facing the people in the house. 

His attention went towards his phone which were lying on his side table, he hadn't touched his phone ever since he got suspended and neither did he bother to. Sighing, he reached out for his phone and grabbed it. Turning his phone on he saw that he had about thirty seven texts. Most of them were from his Australian best friend. Woo jin and Felix had texted him too, saying that they had asked Chan for his number and asked if he was okay. There was a text from an unsaved number telling him to think about what the person had said. He was quite confused about what was the text about and from whom was it from but then he realized that it was from Chang bin. Another unknown contact caught his attention.


-> I know we don't talk but

-> Please talk to Ji sung.

-> He blames himself for your suspension. He thinks he's at fault. He hasn't been going to school and he hasn't left his dorm either. 

-> This is Hyun jin. I got your number from Chan btw.

He bit his lower lip. He was about to turn off his phone when he saw a small text at the bottom. Min ho furrowed at the unsaved yet familiar number. He pressed his finger on his phone and the message opened.


-> I'm sorry. 

"Ji sung..." He mumbled as he stared at the message his dorm mate had sent. Min ho turned off his phone and let out a sigh. Ji sung. That name had been roaming around his head for quite a few days. Ji sung. Ji sung. Ji sung. Ji sung this, Ji sung that and his heart. It had been racing every now and then whenever he thought about the boy. He bit his lower lip and tried to calm his heart. He didn't know what was happening, but he was feeling something, this feeling was very weird. Never in his life had he thought about someone like this, never in his life had he thought about someone like this. He remembered the anger he felt when he saw those bastards pushing Ji sung. He could only see red, he felt as if he was about to murder someone. The thought of someone even thinking about hurting Ji sung.

Min ho sighed again, getting up from his bed, grabbing his clothes since he was only wearing his boxers, a habit of his to sleep without clothes, his wallet and his phone, he quickly walked of his room. Since everyone was asleep, he sneaked out of his house without any one knowing and started to walk towards the subway.


He unlocked and entered the dorm quietly, walked towards the younger boy's room. Taking a deep breath, his hand went towards the door knob, he tired to open the door, but it seemed like Ji sung had locked the door. He didn't want to wake the boy up. Min ho sighed, so much for seeing Ji sung. He was about to go back when his eyes landed on his own bed room door.

The lights were on.

He slowly and quietly started to walk towards his own bed room. He twisted the door knob, the door was unlocked. He looked inside the bed room and froze in his spot.

There lied a sleeping Ji sung, on his bed, with Min ho's hoodie and Min ho's blanket that had the older boy's natural smell on it, gripped close to himself.

Min ho gulped, his heart beat was starting to increase again. He quietly stepped inside his room and closed the door behind his back. He then turned off the lights and made his way towards the younger boy, who was still sleeping. He didn't even realize what he was doing, it seemed like his body was working on it's own. As if this was his heart's doings.

Without thinking or even realizing that this wasn't something he would do. He slipped under the covers, not even thinking, he placed his arms around Ji sung's waist who's back was facing Min ho's face, and brought the boy closer to himself. Soon Ji sung's back was pressed against Min ho's chest, whose face was now near Ji sung's neck as he breathed in the boy's scent.

Min ho started to think about what Chang bin had said to him, that he was ignoring what he was feeling. But that was the thing, he didn't understand what he was feeling. But he understand one thing, when he felt Ji sung turn around and opening his hands, looking at Min ho almost not believing his own eyes. "M-Min ho sunbae..."

That Ji sung was making him sane, that Ji sung was making him feel.

What do you guys think? 

-Your sad girl :<

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