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"You okay there Min ho? Your eyes kinda of seem puffy". Chan asked his best friend, concerned about him. Min ho nodded. It was a free period for the two boys and they both were sitting at their usual spot, but today it was just the two of them.

"Yeah I'm fine. Just didn't get much sleep". He didn't want to tell him the truth because he didn't want to burden Chan with his problems. He and his family had already done so much for him. Chan still seemed suspicious but he didn't question Min ho any further and just looked up at the sky, closing his eyes and relaxing. Min ho looked up from his book and stared at Chan for a while.

"Hey Chan". Chris let out an 'hmm' as he didn't move from his spot but had his attention on what his best friend was saying. "Thank you". The older Australian boy's eyes started to open as he looked at Min ho with a confused expression. "For what?" He asked with an eyebrow raised. Min ho cleared his throat and looked at his best friend. "For never giving up on me". And soon, Chan's lips were turned into a sad smile. Min ho let out a sigh as he continued.

"I know I'm a big pain in the ass to be with and it seem like I don't care about you. B-But I do. I really do care about you and I really am thankful for every single thing you've done for me". Chan is taken off guard and he just blankly stares at Min ho for about a minute. Never ever in their more than 12 year of friendship had Min ho ever said anything like that to Chan before. Chan smiles softly, placing his hand on his best friend's shoulder. "I would never give up on you Min ho. You're my best friend for a reason. You're not a pain in the ass. I'm honored to be best friends with you. I saw it in your eyes Min ho. Every time you tried to push me away, I saw how your eyes had fear in them, of being alone and not be loved and that's what pushed me. I know you care about me and also the others. You just have a different way of showing it". They sat there, looking at each other with small smiles before the bell rang and now it was lunch break.

"Foooooooood!" They both turned to see Felix and Jeong in running towards them with their lunches and the others were walking behind them.

Min ho looked at all of the eight boys and even though he didn't show it but he was thankful to have them in his life.


"Oh Min ho? Are you back?" Min ho stepped inside the living room to see Ji sung walking out of his room with a smile on his lips as he walked towards Min ho.

"I made dinner. Are you hungry?" Min ho nodded, taking Ji sung's hand in his own. "I am, but first I got to show you something". Ji sung raised his eyebrow but none the less, he nodded. Min ho took the boy in his room, not letting go of his hand. They both entered the room. Which held few of their most amazing memories. Their first kiss, the time when Min ho had an attack and when Min ho was suspended and came to see Ji sung in his bed.

Min ho gestured Ji sung to sit on the bed, the younger boy did what he said. Min ho then went to his closet, taking out a journal which he had hidden from everyone and then he returned to Ji sung, sitting in front of him. Ji sung stared at the boy with big eyes, admiring him too. Min ho seemed hesitant. Ji sung grabbed his hand and gave it a little squeeze. Min ho smiled softly and nodded.

"First of all, I want to thank you for what you did a week ago. It really meant a lot to me, even if it doesn't seem like that. You made me realize a lot of things and made me want to be ... normal again. You make me want to smile and happy again". Ji sung smiled, but he didn't saw anything.

"You make me want to be with you. You make me want to actually live life. You make me want to dream and express. I know I don't show much emotions and I may come off really rude sometimes, which is why I want to express myself. In a way both me and you can feel". Min ho opened his journal from the other hand and cleared his throat. Taking a small quick glance of Ji sung who was looking at him with a smile. With that Min ho began.

Version Of Me | MinSung |Where stories live. Discover now