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"I'm heading out". Min ho looked away from the T.V to see his dormmate, who wore a mask and a suncap that covered his face, walking towards the door. Min ho nodded as an 'okay' and went back to watching the animal show he was interested in. He regretted it, he regretted not asking for the younger boy's destination. He regretted paying attention to the T.V and not the boy who was hiding his tears and messed up face under his cap and his mask. He regretted not noticing Ji sung's backpack as he walked out.

That was the last time he saw the boy.


Min ho got up from bed, after he heard his alarm go on and went towards his closet to take out his clothes. His hand had gotten a lot more better and so did his bruises on his face, he didn't need to use makeup any more. He pulled out a white pair of jeans with a dark green shirt that had a 'My Pace' written on it, from his closet and walked towards the bathroom.

After taking a shower and getting ready. He dried his hair and walked out of the bathroom. He looked around, the dorm felt quiet and empty. Something was up. But he shrugged it off knowing Ji sung had already gone to school.

He decided to eat an apple for breakfast since he didn't feel like eating. He glanced at his watch and noticed how his class would start soon. After finishing his apple, he went back to his room, picking up his bag and books, wearing his shoes and combing his hair and leaving for school.


The next night, it was ten pm when Chan called Min home, the boy had gotten back from the dance studio. The dorm had the same uneasy feeling. It made feel Min ho weird. Min ho looked around the dorm. There was no sign of his dorm mate in their dorm. Now that he think about it he hadn't seen the boy since last two nights.

He picked up his phone when it started to ring. He looked at the contact name. 'Bang Christopher Chan' displayed on the screen, making the boy let out a sigh. Accepting the call and placing his phone near his ear as he swiped his phone to 'accept'.

"Hey Min ho, is Ji sung with you?" Was the first thing Chan spoke on the phone call. His voice laced with worry. Min ho furrowed his eyebrows. "No, I haven't seen him". He heard Chan's voice telling someone that Ji sung wasn't with him and then in the background he heard other voices. "When was the last time you saw him?" Min ho tried to remember. "Uh two nights ago i think?" He spoke, feeling a bit worried. He heard Hyun jin's voice in the background. "Why what's wrong? Is everything alright?"

"Min ho". Chan spoke up and after what he said, Min ho froze on his spot and was unable to say or think at all. He could hear Chan speaking on the phone but he had no idea what Chan was going on about. He quickly grabbed his hoodie and ran out of the dorm without locking the dorm, as Chan's words rang in his head.

"Min ho... Ji sung's missing".

What do you think? Any theories?

Q. What is your gender?

A. I'm a girl.

Don't forget to vote, comment and follow. It gives me motivation to update more and more.

-Your sad girl :<

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