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"What happened to him?" Ji sung asked as the tall boy came back from talking with the nurse and sat besides him. "She said it was because he had been a lot of stressed these days and hasn't been eating, said he has to get a lot of rest". Hyun jin replied, Ji sung turned his face back to the boy who was lying in front of him. He had held Seung min's hand the moment Hyun jin had lied him on the bed. Even when the nurse was checking him up.

Suddenly memories started to come up in Ji sung's mind. How much the boy in front of him apologised. How much happened between the two of them but Seung min never left his side. Seung min was always there for him. Ji sung had been such a bad friend.

"This is all my fault..." Ji sung whispered, closing his eyes as he felt a tear run down his cheek. Hyun jin looked at the boy and frowned. "Don't blame yourself. It's not your fault". He tried to calm the boy down but Ji sung just shook his head. "I-I'm the reason why he's stressed a-and isn't eating". Ji sung sniffed, trying his best to not sob. Hyun jin furrowed his eyebrows, hesitating but spoke up. "Did something happen between the two of you?" Ji sung bit his lower lip and looked at his best friend's face. "Y-Yeah and I-I blamed him even though it wasn't his fault...". He sniffed and looked at his best friend who was on the bed. "I-I'm such a horrible friend..." With that he looked away getting up and ran out the nurse office, ignoring the yells of Hyun jin.


Min ho was walking back to his class when he heard the familiar sound coming out of the janitors closet. The same sound he would hear in his dorm when he was about to fall asleep. The hallway was empty, students were in their classes as they were about to start in a few minutes. He pressed his ear on the door.

It's the sound of someone.... crying?

At first he didn't want to check and was about to walk away because that would mean invading someone's privacy but he had this very annoying feeling inside his stomach, he felt really uneasy. So he turned back and opened the door.

He was greeted with darkness so he turned on the lights. As soon as the lights got turned on, he saw someone sitting on the floor with their knees pressed against their chest as they sobbed but stopped when they  noticed that the lights and looked up.

"Ji sung?" Min ho called out his name. "S-sunbae...?", Ji sung wasn't expecting his dorm mate to be here, he felt really ashamed of himself because Min ho had seen him in this state. Ji sung quickly dried his tears. Min ho figured that the boy needed privacy so he let out a small 'sorry' before walking away. But stopped, turning around he placed something on the younger's head before walking out of the closet.

Ji sung sniffed and looked up as he felt something on top of his head. He saw Min ho leaving the closet after closing the door but never turned off the lights. He placed his hand on top of his head, feeling something. He picked it and looked at what it was.

It was a handkerchief, it was blue in color and had a small animated cat printed on it. He sniffed and looked at the end of it. The handkerchief had a small 'Lee Min Ho' stitched on it. Ji sung felt his heart skip a beat, he looked up at the door, his grip on the handkerchief tighten as he pressed it towards his chest. It had a vanilla like scent. Ji sung inhaled his scent and it suprisingly calmed him down.

"Ji sung-ah! Where are you?!" He heard the familiar voice of his new friend which made him stand up. He quickly stood up and wiped his tears and went out of the closet. He looked around and spotted his friend who was looking around in search of him. He took a deep sigh and started walking towards him.

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-Your sad girl :<

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