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Hyun jin was randomly walking around the school, when he spotted a familiar boy making his way with the help of clutches. A smile appeared on the tall boys lips when he recognized who it was. "Seung min-ah". Kim Seung min, turned around when he heard his name. "Hyun jin, hey. What's up?" Hyun jin's heart beat got faster when he saw the younger boy smiling at him. "Oh nothing special, I had a free class and saw you. Where are you going?" Hyun jin asked, noticing the bag on Seung min's shoulder. "I was just on my way to the library, I have a project so I wanted to get a book for help". Seung min explained, Hyun jin let out an 'ah' and nodded. "W-well do you mind if I come along? I have a free class". He hesitated, seeing how this would be the first time he would be alone with Seung min, since Ji sung was always there with them.

It wasn't that he minded, no not at all. he actually liked Ji sung's company. The boy had been helping him with Seung min the day he had told him that he was having interest in his best friend. Ji sung would invite him over to their hang outs and always made him feel comfortable. He was thankful to the boy. "Sure". Seung min smiled and started to walk but stopped when Hyun jin let out a 'wait'. 

The weight on Seung min's shoulder disappeared, causing him to furrow his eyebrows and turn to Hyun jin who was now carrying Seung min's bag. "Y-You don't have to". His cheeks turned rosy red as he looked at Hyun jin who just shrugged. "I know but I want to". They both let out a shy smile and started to walk towards the library.


"Where's Felix?" Woo jin asked the freckled boy's boyfriend, who smiled. "He's with Ji sung, they both heard that they're selling cheesecake today so they wanted to have some". Chang bin explained. "As expected from Sungie, he loves cheesecake". Hyun jin stated, earning a nod from Ji sung's best friend who was eating a sliced apple. 

Min ho tried his best to not glare at the Hwang brat. Sure, Ji sung had told him he had interest in Seung min and it was quite obvious too but still, he didn't like Hyun jin being this close to Ji sung. He had no problem with any one except Hyun jin. "So how does it feel to date Felix?" Chan asked Chang bin, wiggling his eyebrows which made Jeong in, who was sitting in between Chan and Woo jin, giggle. Chang bin smiled and looked down. "It's pretty good. We're taking things slow because none of us want to rush things. He's pretty clingy, always hugging me and asking for affections but I don't mind, as long as it makes him happy". Every one cooed at Chang bin who was now regretting to say those things.

"Hyung! Help!" All the boys jolted as soon as they heard a shout. Min ho looked up from his book to see Felix running towards them. "Lix what's wrong?" Chang bin asked as soon as Felix came running towards them. Min ho's eyes ran around in search of the boy. "Where's Ji sung?" Min ho asked, voice a little raised. 

"S-Some one's hur-hurting Ji sung in the h-hallway. P-please we h-" Felix didn't even finish talking, Min ho had already stood up and was running towards the school building. He ignored all the yells out of his name and the people walking, he didn't care the bumping of shoulders. 

When he entered the school's building, he heard a loud thump which made his eyes widened. He saw how someone pushed Ji sung hard towards the lockers, causing Ji sung to let out a yelp in pain as his body hit the metal lockers and his body flopped on the floor. The other two boys laughed as they saw the younger boy's tears and silent begs to let him go. "p-please do-don't j-hurt m-me...". His hands turned into a fist at the sight of someone hurting Ji sung. How the hell did he even think about laying a finger on the boy.


He ran towards the boys, pushing all three of them away, causing the boys to fall on the floor with a loud yelp. Min ho sat on top of the boy who had pushed Ji sung and saw his face. His eyes furrowed. It was that boy, the one he thought was Ji sung's friend. His eyes widened, all the time Ji sung was appearing at the dorms with bruises and blood. He was getting physically bullied. "You son of a bitch". Min ho pulled out his fist and punched the boy on his face repeatedly. "How dare you fucking touch him huh?!" He was fuming with anger. How dare they hurt Ji sung.

He punched the boy who was begging him to stop. "Did you stop?! Huh?! Did you stop whenJi sung begged you to stop huh?! You fucking bastard!". he continued punching his face, until he felt two arms around his neck as he was pulled in a head lock. He pulled back his hands and held the boy behind him, with his shoulders, flipping him. As soon as he was let go, he got punched on his face, causing him to get a black eye. Min ho groaned and stepped back but he didn't stop. He let out a yell and pushed the boy who had punched him and threw him on the ground. Another punch came, it hit the corner of his lip that started to bleed. But he didn't care. He kicked the boy and punched his face.

"Min ho stop!". Chan said, wrapping his arms around Min ho and pulling him back. Min ho tried to break free. "Let me go! I'll teach these fuckers a lesson!". Students started to gather and watch what was going on. It seemed like the news reached the teacher's room because now Mr. Song was walking in the hallway. "What is going on here?" Min ho stopped and started to catch his breath. "Mr. Lee, Mr. Park, Mr. Kim and Mr. Byun. Principal's office now".

Everyone started to leave the hallway. Min ho sighed and looked towards the younger boy who was in Seung min's arms as he cried. Min ho looked around him and saw the three boys on the ground. He looked back at Ji sung who was now looking at him. "M-Min ho sunba-e". Min ho sighed and looked away, starting to walk towards the principal's office when he heard Mr. Song calling his name.

What do you think? I started to write one shots. I have uploaded one too.

-Your sad girl :<

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