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"Felix, who's this?" Chan asked. It was currently lunch time. Chan, Woo jin, Jeong in and Min ho were sitting in the garden and after about 3 minutes Felix arrived with someone besides him, who clearly looked like he didn't want to be here and was forcily dragged by the young Australian. "This is Chang bin hyung, he's my dorm mate. Is it okay if he sits with us during lunch? He doesn't like making friends but I don't want him to be by himself". Felix asked, not letting go of the boy who was a bit shorter than him. "Of course he can". Woo jin gave a welcoming smile. Felix sat down next to Jeong in, Chang bin quietly sitting besides him, which was in front of Min ho who was reading his poetry book and eating his lunch like always.

"This calls for introductions". Felix clapped his hand together, pointing towards the oldest of them all. "This is Woo jin hyung, Chan hyung, Jeong in-ah and Min ho hyung". Chang bin quietly bowed his head only a little as a greeting which made the older Australian snicker. "Looks like we got another Min ho". Min ho chose to ignore his best friend, quietly turning the page and bit his sandwich.

"I think i've seen you in my Math class". Woo jin spoke, earning a nod from Chang bin. Turns out Chang bin was also a senior. The rest of the lunch break was spent talking and laughing. Felix would try to make Chang bin get into the conversation.

He would call the boy 'Binnie Binnie' even though Chang bin would tell him not to call him that but Felix wouldn't listen, which made Chang bin roll him eyes and just ignore the fact that he would be called by an embarrassing nick name. But he knew Felix, he knew no matter how much he would tell him not to call him that, it would be no use.

On the other hand, Min ho was reading his book, he saw something in the corner of his eyes which grabbed his attention making me look up from his book. It was Ji sung, talking to the boy who came to their dorm a few days ago, Kim Seung min to be exact. They seemed to be having a serious conversation by the looks on their faces. They were standing far from the group which is why they didn't get noticed by anyone except from Min ho himself.

He say how Seung min was trying to explain something and Ji sung gripping on his own hair, he couldn't get what they were saying. Min ho could only see their lips and figures moving. But it seemed pretty serious and personal. Min ho turned his head back to his book but this time he wasn't reading his book, his thoughts were fixed on what he had seen which made him think about what had happened yesterday night at the dorm. Ji sung hadn't told him anything on who that couple was but it was quite obvious it wasn't his parents and Ji sung looked like he was running away from having that conversation. Like he didn't wanted to tell Min ho.

After the couple has left yesterday night, Ji sung quietly went to his room, not even looking at Min ho, just leaving him all confused. Just like always.

Min ho looked back at the two boys, only to see that there was no one there any longer. "Min ho, you okay?" He turned to his best friend, who looked a bit concerned. Min ho took a last glance at the spot before saying. "I'm fine".

Chang bin in the building. Only one member left. Hope you all are enjoying it. Any theories?

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