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Min ho walked towards his dorm, he had just come back from the dance studio. He couldn't wait to go back to his dorm and take a shower to get rid of all the sweat. Students who were walking in the hallways looked at him and bowed in respect of Min ho. Since he didn't talk to students and was cold he got even more attention, which he hated. He just wanted to quietly live his life. He never knew that being in a dance team would give him so much popularity but then again he wasn't the only one in the dance team.

Ignoring all the stares and whispers, he was now standing in front of his dorm. He took out his keys and unlocked the door, stepping inside. He walked to his room, putting down his bag and taking off his jacket. He took out his clothes and walked to the bathroom to take a shower.

After a 10 minutes shower, Min ho walked out of the bathroom with a towel around his neck as he dried his hair. Stepping inside his room, he heard someone knock on the door. He looked at the door. "Huh? who's here?" He looked at the wrist watch that was wrapped around his wrist. It was 9 pm. "And at this time?" He mumbled, standing up from his study chair and walking towards the main door. Mentally preparing that if it was Chan he would kick him out since he was too tired to listen to his obsession with the two boys he spending time with everyday. Opening it he found his dorm mate standing, which made Min ho quite confused. 

"Why did you knock? Don't you have a key?" Min ho asked, looking down since he was taller than him. Ji sung, didn't look up. It seemed like he was hiding his face. "I-I lost my keys.." He heard Ji sung whisper in a very small voice. Not wanting to talk much, he stepped aside making a way for Ji sung to come inside.

Ji sung quietly stepped inside their dorm, not even looking up, he walked inside his room and locked the door of his room. Min ho raised his eyebrow, finding his dorm mate's actions quite strange. But like always he shrugged it away, not wanting to but in Ji sung's life. 


Another week had passed away, Min ho was in his room picking out his dirty clothes. He was planning on washing them today since he had been too busy to wash them yesterday. He walked to the bathroom where the washing machine was. It was an old washing machine that was in every dorm. Min ho had been living by himself for a long time, he was an independent child ever since he was little so he had no problem with washing his own clothes. He walked inside the bathroom and closed the door. Starting the washing machine, he begin to wash his clothes. After spending about 20 minutes he was done washing all of them and done with hanging the wet clothes, he pushed his sleeves down and walked inside the kitchen to eat an apple.

Hearing someone knock on the door really loudly, he sighed. Ever since Ji sung lost his keys, Min ho had been opening the door for him which he found quite troublesome to do. He walked out from the kitchen and towards the door, sighing yet again, he was tired from opening the door for the younger one every day. He opened the door ready to tell the younger one to get a key for himself but stopped before saying it when he saw the younger one. 

Blood coming from his forehead and a black eye, his body limping as he was in tears leaving Min ho in shock.

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