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"You sold the phone your mom gave you for your birthday?!" Chan asked, eyed widened as he heard what Min ho said. Min ho, who was sitting on the couch watching a football match nodded quietly. They both were at Min ho's dorm, because Chan wanted to hang out with his best friend while Ji sung was at Seung min's dorm.

"What if she finds out?" Chan asked, earning a shrug from Min ho. "She gave it as a birthday gift. I can do whatever I want with it". The boy simply replied. The phone his mom and her family had got for him was quite expensive. But he didn't need it. He barely used his phone the one he had was perfectly fine so he didn't need one. He was planning on giving it to his best friend for his birthday. But then he was helping Ji sung with the debt so he sold the phone and gave the money to the people who Ji sung had taken money from. Chan stared at him for a few seconds before turning to his phone.

"It looks like they are having fun". Chan mumbled as he stared at his phone. "Who?" Min ho asked, watching the match as his team just made a goal. "Ji sung, Hyun jin and Seung min". This brought Min ho's attention who turned to his best friend. "How do you know that?" Chan showed the phone screen. "Seung min posted a picture on instagram". He stated, showing the picture to Min ho.

 He stated, showing the picture to Min ho

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Liked by woobear and 187 others.

seungminkim hanging out with these two idiots. @//hwangjin @//hanjisung_


"I didn't know Ji sung had instagram". Min ho mumbled, but Chan heard it. "Oh yeah he does, you didn't know? Oh right. You don't have instagram". Chan mumbled the last part before a big smile appeared on his face as he stared at Min ho. "Hey, I got an idea. Let's make your instagram". Min ho furrowed his eyebrows and shook his head. "What's the point? I'm not even gonna use it". Min ho spoke, turning to the television. "Oh come on. Please, it'll be fun". Chan tried convincing, Min ho finally gave up, knowing Chan wouldn't stop. "Okay okay fine". Chan stood up and did a little victory dance before holding out his hand. "Give me your phone". Min ho sighed before pulling out his phone from his pocket and handing it to Chan, who happily sat next to Min ho and quickly downloaded the app.

"What's even the point of this?" Min ho asked. "This way you'll be connected to the whole world. You can even post videos of your dances, and done. Now let's make your account". Chan tapped on the other boy's phone who quietly looked at what Chan did.

"What should be your username?" Chan asked, turning to Min ho, who shrugged. "I don't care". Chan nodded and turned back to the phone and starting to tap. After a few minutes he was done with making Min ho's account. "Now we need a photo of you for your profile picture". Chan informed the older boy. "Do you have any selfies?" Min ho shook his head, making Chan sigh. "Okay wait, I might have some pictures of you". Chan pulled out his own phone and went to his own gallery.

"You look dead in all of them". Min ho rolled his eyes, ignoring his best friend. "Hey this one is better than the others". Chan said, showing the picture to Min ho before choosing it as Min ho's profile picture. "And done". He pressed it and showed it to Min ho.

"Congratulations Lee Min ho, you are now a part of the instagram world"

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"Congratulations Lee Min ho, you are now a part of the instagram world". He held out Min ho's phone, who took it and stared at his.

"Lee.minho is your username and your password is 'strawberries' since i couldn't think of anything else, your profile is public, you're following the others and also me. I also sent you a request". Min ho nodded, processing all the information in his mind. He then started to explain how to post and put on a story, how to text someone and stuff like that.

"I'll post a picture of us and tag you on it so the other's can know, I'm sure I have something in my gallery". Chan said, already half way on posting the picture. "Is it really necessery?" Min ho asked, earning a nod from Chan. "Yes, yes it is". Min ho shrugged and soon his phone dinged. He looked at the notification and saw that Chan had tagged him on his post. "When did you even take this?" He askedm refering to the picture. Chan just shrugged and went back to his phone.

They continued watching the match and soon Chan left because it was getting late and Woo jin was staying over his and Jeong In's dorm for the night.

Min ho went to his room and began to study for the test. An hour past by and he didn't even realize, not until his phone started to ring because of the amount of notifications. He picked it up and saw that people were commenting on Chan's post and sending him follow request. He already had 400 followers. Ofcourse he would, Chan had more than 1000 followers and he was popular at school. He saw Chan's post.

 He saw Chan's post

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chrisbang My best friend just made his instagram account. Go follow him up @//lee.minho


"He didn't have to tell anyone that". Min ho mumbled before turning off his phone. He went back to studying but stopped when he remembered something. He took out his phone and went to Chan's post. He went towards his comments to find Seung min's comment then he went towards the boy's recent post and pressed one of the usernames.


What do you think? This chapter is about the best friends.

-Your sad girl :<

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