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"Lee Min ho, I'm here for the stuff my mom sent me". Their house master nodded at what Min ho had said and took out a small package. Min ho held it and bowed his head. The boy walked out of the office and went towards his dorm.

He had just came back from the dance studio and decided to go and get what his mother had sent him.

"Couldn't save h-"

"Your mom's a whore, a sl-"

"-ppy birthday to you".

"His father jum-"

"You should've been the one instead of your fathe-"

"This is your father fr-"

"She forgot about you agai-"

"Loss of blood and-"

"I have to go, make some thing to eat-"

"May he rest in peac-"

"Cry baby!"

"I'm sorr-"

"Min ho sunbae...?" Min ho looked over to see his dorm mate looking at him. The older boy realized that he had reached the dorm and was already in the living room. He was so lost in his mind that he hadn't noticed. Ji sung looked a bit worried. "A-are you feeling okay...?"

I don't what I feel.

"I'm fine". Ji sung nodded and bought what Min ho said. Min ho went inside his room and closed the door, leaving the boy in the living room alone.

He walked towarda his study table and placed the package on top of the table. A sigh left out of his mouth and stared at it. Empty. He let out a deep breath and started to take off the tape and opened the box. There was a small piece of paper with it.

To Lee Min ho.
From Mr Song and Family.

Min ho placed it down and took out the item from the box. His teeth clenched. It was a new phone. Empty.

He pulled out his phone and dialled his mother's number, placing his phone near his ear, he heard the phone bell ring. One ring, two ring, three ring. She didn't pick up. Just as Min ho was about to end the call, the call got accepted.

He heard laughing and talking, he heard the familiar sound of his mother laughing, something he hadn't heard in years when she was with him. "Hello Min ho is that you?" Min ho bit his lower lip and spoke up. "Yeah it's me, i got what you sent".

"Did you like your gift? It was Ho jong's idea. I really hope you liked it". Min ho grew quiet. He left suffocated. They were happy. Everyone was happy, without him. They didn't need him. They didn't want him. They were happy.

"We couldn't s-"

"Loss of blood-"

"Pathetic b-"

"I have to g-"

"Will you Song Ho jong ta-"

"A father, a son, a-"

"Your new fa-"

He ended the call and felt suffocated. He pushed back his hair and tried to catch his breath. He felt like falling, like he was just falling and no one was there to save him.

"Where's dad?"

"Happy Birthday to y-"

"I'm sorry for your los-"

"You can cr-"

"Cry baby! So pathet-"

"His dad was the one wh-"

He placed his hands on top of his ears as he tried to stop the voices in his head. "S-stop please stop.." he begged, feeling so weak and pathetic. "P-please leave me alo-lone, pl-ease..". His legs grew weak and he dropped on the floor. He heard the door flew open but he couldn't see anythinh because his vision got blurry and the voices were getting louder.

"Happy Birthda-"

"A man, a husb-"

"-take this man as you-"

"Pathetic lit-"

"Your mom's a wh-"

"I have to g-"

"We couldn't save hi-"

"I'm sorr-"

"Min ho sunbae!" Min ho's vision started to get clear and he felt like he could breathe again. He stopped gasping for air and looked at the boy. Ji sung's eyes were fulled with concered. They were both on the floor, Ji sung's arms wrapped around the older boy, who was lying down in his lap. "You're okay. I'm here. You're safe. I got you, okay? You're safe". Ji sung whispered to the boy, who was still trying to breathe. "Try to breathe". Min ho did, he tried breathing and a few minutes later he was breathing normally again, both of their heart rates were high.

"W-what happened?" Min ho asked, confused as he didn't remember anything. "I don't know, I-I was in the living room when i heard something fell down on the ground and it seemed like it came from your room so i went to check and y-you were on tbe floor and y-you were sh-shaking so I-I got really scared". Min ho slowly turned his head and saw that his study lamp was on the ground, broken.

Ji sung's hand went to the boy in his arms' hair, trying to calm him down as much as he can. "A-Are you okay...?" He asked, Min ho's eyes were closed and he 'hum'med to let Ji sung know that he was fine now. Their hands met each others. None of them said anything, Min ho's eyes slowly opened and the two boys made eye contact and that was when Min ho said something that neither of them could imagine.

"D-don't leave me Ji sung...".

Ji sung himself was taken off guard, but he squeezed Min ho's hand a little, none of them broke eye contact, they both stared at each other's eyes.

"I won't leave you Min ho".

What do you think? Any theories?

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-Your sad girl :<

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