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-> Min ho sunbae.

-> You forgot your wallet.

No wonder I couldn't find it.<-

-> I'm on my way back from work.

-> If you want, I can come and give it to you...

House no. Fifty Seven, Sesame street <-

-> Okay.

Min ho turned off his phone and leaned his back against the chair. He had been studying for the past four hours. His mother and her family had gone out to a family dinner, leaving Min ho alone in the house by himself. It was a Saturday night, and by Monday he would be back at the dorms. He couldn't wait to go back. These past two weeks were a lot for him.

He got up and looked around his room to see if there was anything had needed to be cleaned but this was his room, we are talking about, when is it not clean? Min ho put his books back at it's place and stood up when he heard the house bell ring. He looked at himself in the mirror. He was wearing a black full sleeves shirt along with a pair of blue ripped jeans. His hair were pulled back, revealing his forehead. He walked downstairs after leaving his room. He passed the kitchen and the living room, along with some other room and walked towards the door. Turning the door knob and opening the door, his heart beat stopped again at the sight of the boy. "H-Hi.." Ji sung greeted him shyly, red blush decorating his cheeks. "Hey..." Min ho greeted back, suddenly feeling his throat gone dry. They both stood in front of each other just staring,when Ji sung got pulled out back to reality. "O-oh here.." Min ho raised an eyebrow in confusion but soon he realized what Ji sung was doing.

"Oh uh thank you" Min ho spoke as he now held his wallet that Ji sung has given him. Ji sung let out a small 'no problem' and then the awkward silence was returned. Ji sung was about to say good bye and go back to the dorm but Min ho was much quicker. "Do you wanna.." He looked at the hesitant boy, who seemed to be struggling with saying what he wanted to. "Do you wanna come inside...?" Ji sung's eyes widened, not really expecting that the older boy would invite him over but neither less he nodded. Min ho stood away, giving way for Ji sung to enter. 

Ji sung looked around the house while Min ho walked behind him with his heart rapidly. "Y-Your house is very big and nice and uh ... big". Min ho heard what the boy said and he couldn't help but let out a low chuckle. Both Min ho and Ji sung froze at their spots when they heard Min ho.

Min ho chuckled. He fucking chuckled.

Ji sung stared at the older boy, hearing the boy chuckle for the first time. Min ho himself was surprised. He quickly shook it off and pointed his hand at the stairs. "M-My room is upstairs". Ji sung nodded, still a bit taken because of Min ho's sudden emotion being shown. With both of their hearts beating fast they walked upstairs and towards the older's room. "Uh My mom and her family are out. So it's just us ... f-for now". Ji sung blushed at the thought of them being alone but nodded at what Min ho had said. 

Min ho opened the door of his bed room, Ji sung was the one who stepped in first and examined the older boy's room, who closed the door behind them and gulped as he stared at the boy. His heart was beating fast again and he was feeling warm, his stomach was acting weird. Chang bin's words spinning in his mind.

Without even knowing, he was stepping towards Ji sung, who noticed Min ho's approaching and was taking a step back. His back soon touched the wall as he stared at the older boy who was standing too close to him. Min ho's hands both went towards the sides, trapping the boy. Ji sung gulped, eyes looking at Min ho's eyes. 

"Ji sung..."

"S-Sunbae..." Min ho's heart beating so fast, he felt as if it was about to burst. 

"What are you doing to me?" Ji sung's eyes were filled with shock. Min ho's words had totally caught him off guard just like his actions. "H-How are you making me feel things? H-How are you making me feel something about you? H-How are you making me feel like this?" Ji sung stood frozen on his spot as he heard what Min ho had said. "S-Sunbae".

"Because of you my heart is beating so fast, my stomach starts feeling weird. My body feels weird as if it's moving on it's own. Half of the time I don't even know what I'm doing. My body loses control every time you touch me. Our kiss roams around my mind all the time. My mind is filled with your name all the time. I have to bury myself in books in order to stop thinking about you but every time I stop, your face comes in my mind. Your lips come in my mind". Ji sung was so stunned, it seemed like he had forgotten to even breath.

"Han Ji sung ... I like you". Ji sung looked at Min ho to see any sign of lie or anything but saw a small smile on his lips. He was smiling, he was actually smiling. For the first time in all these years he was smiling, he was happy and because of Han Ji sung.

"I-I like you too Min ho sunbae". Min ho gulped as soon as he heard Ji sung's words. His heart stopped, Ji sung's cheeks turned red. Min ho glanced down at the younger boy's lips before leaning in and closing his eyes. Ji sung softly closed his own eyes and soon Min ho's lips were pressed on his own. Ji sung held on to Min ho's shoulders, Min ho's hands went around Ji sung's waist. Min ho pulled the boy closer, who replied to the kiss without any hesitation.

What do you think?

-Your sad girl :<

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