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Min ho was on his way to his 4th class, Mathematics to be exact, along with his best friend, who was talking about some football game (which Min ho wasn't even listening to, since he was focused on the book in his hands). They both stopped when they heard someone yell Chan's name out, "Channie-hyung" to be exact. Min ho turned to look who it is and was actually confused while Chan had a big smile on his face. "Jeong innie". Min ho looked at Chan, shocked but his blank expression never changed. This was the Jeong in Chan was talking about? The Jeong in that is room mates with Chan? He was suppose to be a baby why the hell was he even taller than Chan?

Truth be very told, Chan had described this 'Jeong innie' as a very small little baby, making Min ho expect some really small boy who wears those really weird clothes. He even imagined a baby face wearing some freshmen clothes and a bag, he did not expect the freshmen to look like this.

"Hi hyung!" Jeong in said as he was now standing in front of the two seniors. "Hey Jeong in. what's up?" The smile on Chan's lips never left. "I was just passing by and saw you so I decided to say hi, you don't mind, right?" Jeong in asked and of course Chan chuckled and ruffled the younger one's hair saying it was totally fine. Min ho mumbled a little 'whipped' under his breath, luckily none of them heard it. "Right, introductions". Chan spoke looking at both of them. "Min ho this is my room mate, Yang Jeong in". He then turned towards Jeong in, pointing at Min ho. "Jeong in, this is Lee Min ho, he's my best friend". A big smile appeared on Jeong in's face as he bowed his head in front of Min ho in respect. "It's nice to meet you hyung!". Min ho nodded his head as a 'you too'. Chan nudged him before turning to Jeong in. "He's not much of a talker. Don't mind him". and it didn't look like Jeong in minded at all. "No no it's fine. A lot of people talk about him saying he's really cool, handsome and smart. They weren't lying".

And of course Jeong in knew the Cold hearted Prince. "Well i'm off to my class. I'll see you later Channie hyung and it was nice to meet you Min ho hyung". Jeong in spoke bowing again, the smile never left from his lips and soon he was out of sight. "He's cute, isn't he?" Chan asked turning to Min ho, who rolled his eyes before walking towards his next class.

The school bell rang, alarming everyone that school had come to an end. "I'm hanging out with Woo jin, he needed help with some stuff, you want to join?" Even though Chan knew that Min ho would refuse, he never stopped asking. Whenever Chan would ask Min ho to hang out with him Min ho would decline. Even though at first Chan would get a little upset since Min ho and Chan had been friends since a long time, he soon accepted the fact that this was how Min ho was. But that didn't stop him from asking Min ho if he wanted to come even though he knew the answer.

"No i'm going back to the dorm". With that he turned to leave. Chan shrugged walking towards Woo jin's dorm where they both decided to meet up.

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