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Min ho entered the building of his school, walking towards his locker and opening it after he reached it. He took out his books for his first period that was going to start in 5 minutes. After picking out the things he needed he closed it. Just as he was locking it he heard a very familiar name. "Ji sung-ah!". He turned his head to where he heard his dorm mate's name. He saw a tall boy who had a big smile as he was running towards someone. Min ho would say that he had never seen the boy before but that would be when he pays attention to his surrounding, he barely knew his class mates. Min ho's eyes followed his the tall boy's figure who stopped in front of a very familiar face.

Han Ji sung.

Min ho saw how Hyun jin beamed a smile towards the shorter boy, taking Ji sung's books from his arms and holding them. He saw how Ji sung stuttered and told him he could carry his books but failed since Hyun jin didn't allow him. He tried to find any uncomfortable expression on Ji sung's face but didn't find any. He saw Hyun jin saying something to Ji sung to which the younger boy softly nodded making Hyun jin ruffle his hair and beaming another smile, they both started walking next to each other, passing Min ho on their way to class.

Min ho turned his head as he watched Hyun jin and Ji sung's figures disappearing. He looked down at his feet, his facial expression never changed, always remained the same blank emotionless expression. He then walked away, empty thoughts.


Hyun jin was walking in the hallways. He had a free class but Ji sung had a class, it sucked for him. There were only 5 minutes left so he was making his way towards Ji sung's class. Ji sung was the only one he knew in the school and was friends with. He knew the intentions of other people and why they wanted to befriend him. He was well aware of them all since he had been going through the same in his old school too. Another reason why he didn't accept the popular kids invitation to being with them and hanging out with them because he knew how they were. Fake plastic two-faced people, who thought making fun of those who are weaker than them is a good thing, showing off their wealth, who thought their reputation was everything. Hyun jin hated those kind of people.

As he was strolling around the hallways, his attention was caught as he heard a loud 'thug' which made him turn his head and look into the situation.

There lied Kim Seung min on the ground, unconcious, with his books along with his clutches on the floor. Hyun jin's eyes widened at the sight. He didn't even think about anything as he rushed towards the boy, who wasn't moving at all. "Hey! Are you okay!? Can you hear me?!" He held the boy in his arms, tapping his cheeks not so hardly as he tried to wake the boy up. "Aish", he mumbled when the boy in his arms didn't wake up as he placed the boy's arm around his neck and picked him up in his arms.

The bell rang as he stood up with the boy in his arms and students started to rush out of their classes, gasping and whispering as they saw the situation in front of them. They started to crowd the hallways. Hyun jin ignored all of them, the boy in his arms was much more important and he had to take him to the nurse's office right now.

"Seung min!". He turned his head and stopped when he saw his friend rushing towards him. "What happened to him?" Hyun jin shook his head. "No time to explain Ji sung". The shorter nodded quickly picked up Seung min's clutches and his books, rushing after Hyun jin and Seung min. As soon as they left the whispering stopped and everyone went back to normal not even giving it a care.

"Min ho let's go". Min ho turned his head to his best friend, looking back one last time before following him.

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-Your sad girl :<

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