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"Where are Ji sung and Seung min?" Chan asked as Hyun jin walked towards them alone, which was something not very common and sat down in between Chan and Chang bin. "They're in the library, I ask Ji sung to distract Seung min so I could ask you all something". Min ho raised his eyebrow as he looked at Hyun jin. "What is it?" Woo jin asked, all of their attention went to the boy who was playing with his fingers with a soft blush on his cheeks.

"W-Well.. I wanted to ask Seung min out on a date.." All the boys, except for Min ho started to hout and tease the boy, who was shyly looking at his lap. "Damn Hyun jin be getting himself a man". Chan said, playfully pushing Hyun jin, not even knowing his own strength. Hyun jin fell on Woo jin, who was shaking his head as he looked at Chan. Chan, who was looking at Woo jin with an awkward smile. Luckily he didn't knock Hyun jin down. "So what do you need to ask?" Chang bin asked, as Felix feed him small bites of sandwich, pressing a kiss on his boyfriend's cheek with a soft smile whenever Chang bin smiled at him. They always seemed to be in their on world, and Min ho would always be looking at the couple.

"Uh well how do I approach him? I want to make it clear to him that I don't like him as a friend. He thinks that I took him to the ball as a friend even though I asked him to be my date at the ball. So I want to do something which makes him think of me as a man". Woo jin smiled and shook his head again. He was glad and happy that someone like Hyun jin was going to court his brother. Even though they weren't even real brothers and no way related, Woo jin loved Seung min as his own younger brother.

"Well first of all you have got to be confident and take interest in him and his talks. Ask him how his day went, get to know what he likes and dislikes. Get him to be comfortable with you. Flirt with him but like don't get too flirty so he gets uncomfortable, keep it low and he'll get the idea. Then you ask him out on a date". Chan suggested, earning a nod from everyone, except Min ho who himself was listening. Hyun jin nodded, listening carefully to everything they were saying. "There are like a lot of kind of dates. Movie dates, Cafe dates, Study dates, Long drive dates, Amusement park dates and a lot more but I suggest that you should take him somewhere he really likes. Like to a Day6 concert, that kid loves Day6. He'll be really happy then take him somewhere to eat so you'll get some alone time too". Woo jin processed to help Hyun jin, who again nodded.

"Oh oh hold his hand too and pull the chair for him when he's about to sit down. I love it every time Binnie Binnie does it for me". Felix blushed as he suggested. Chang bin smiling and holding Felix's hand. "And then walk him to his dorm. It would be a very gentle man kind of thing". Jeong In suggested cutely making both Woo jin and Chan smile.

"And then when you feel like he liked the date and you, kiss him". Chang bin said making the younger two boys giggle. "Okay! I'll do it! Thank you guys!". Hyun jin smiled brightly, already getting excited.

Meanwhile, Min ho stared at the grass as he began to think.


"Ji sung". Min ho called out the younger boy as he entered the kitchen. There stood Ji sung who was washing the dishes. "Oh sun bae?" He placed the washed dishes to dry up and began to take off the apron that was wrapped around his waist before looking at Min ho with a soft smile. Min ho gulped and rubbed the back of his neck, words not coming out of his mouth. Ji sung tilted his head in confusion as he stared at Min ho, who seemed to be struggling with saying something.

"I-Is something wrong..?" Ji sung asked, Min ho cleared his throat taking a glance at Ji sung who was looking at him with big eyes. His heart beat raised again, he looked away unable to hold eye contact with the boy without feeling something. "Are you doing something right now?" Ji sung tilted his head a little bit more as he began to think, before shaking his head. "No, why do you ask?"

"Good, we're watching a movie". With that Min ho left the kitchen, leaving Ji sung alone in the kitchen who was utterly confused before he realized what was going on. His cheeks turned red and his heart beat began to get quicker. He slowly started to walk out of the kitchen to see Min ho sitting on the couch, putting on a movie with a blanket on him.

What do you think? 

-Your sad girl :<

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