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Min ho heard a knock on the door, he let out a 'come in' as he tried to open the foundation cream which he had borrowed from Chan who had borrowed it from Felix.

It was currently 6 am and Min ho had just taken a shower, his bruises from the night still hurt but that didn't stop him from going to school. Min ho had skipped breakfast since he didn't wanted to be questioned about his face and his hand. He was currently wearing black jeans with a white shirt, whose buttons were all undone since he had trouble doing them because of his bruised right hand and right now he was applying foundation on his face to cover up the bruises. Well Trying to.

Ji sung entered the door quietly with something in his hands which brought Min ho's attention. He turned to the boy who was standing at the door. "What is it?" Min ho asked, Ji sung, hesitately looked up and then back at his feet. Ji sung's eyes landed on the half naked boy in front of him and gulped, looking away feeling embarrassed. He moved forward to the older boy. "H-here.." Min ho's eyes went on what Ji sung had placed on his study table.

It was a sandwich, shaped in a triangle.

He looked at the sandwich and opened it with one hand to see what was inside. Strawberry jam. Min ho looked back at the boy who was biting his lower lip and not looking at the boy. "What is this about?" Min ho asked, Ji sung's eyes went everywhere as he tried to answer. Everywhere but Min ho. "Y-you didn't go to eat breakfast so I-I made you a sandwich..." his voice getting smaller and smaller as he spoke. Min ho looked at the boy, who was playing with his fingers and nodded.

Min ho quietly took a bite of half of the sandwich. "Since when did Strawberry jam sandwich taste so good?" Min ho thought. His eyes landed on the boy and a question came inside his mind. "Have you eaten breakfast?" It was obvious Ji sung was caught off guard because of the question, he looked at Min ho who was staring at him and looked away after shaking his head softly.

Half of the sandwich appeared in front of his eyes. "Here, eat this. Don't starve yourself". Ji sung looked at the older boy who was eating his sandwich and then looked at the sandwich in his hands, he took a bite.

Min ho was the one who finished the sandwich and got up from the chair, he applied the foundation on his face even though he didn't know how to but he successfully did. Now came the hardest part. Buttoning his shirt, he was planning on wearing a t-shirt but he didn't have many of them, only a few and they all were up for laundery so he had no other choice but to wear a buttoned shirt. He silently cursed at the shirt as he tried to button up the shirt but it was no use.

Just as he was about to give up, two small hands held his shirt from the bottom and began to button up his shirt. Min ho looked at in front of him to see Ji sung quietly buttoning his shirt with a hint of red on his cheeks. His small hands tied up Min ho's shirt buttons. Min ho's eyes landed on the boy's face. His forehead, his eyes, his small nose and then his lips.

Ji sung's hands were on the collar of Min ho's shirt as he did the last button of his shirt and after he was done his eyes met with Min ho's. Faces only a few inches apart from each other. It seemed like a hour had passed by as they stared at each other's eyes when it was only for a few seconds.

Ji sung was the first one to realize what was going on. He quickly let go of the collar and moved back, quickly leaving Min ho's room who stood there.

He felt his heart beating. Not in a normal rate, but a bit quickly. He placed his hand on his chest where his heart was and gulped.

"What's wrong with me?"

Finally some minsung content. I hope y'all are liking this.

What do you think? Any theories?

Q. Which country do you live in?

A. I live in a small country in Asia, near India called Pakistan.

Don't forget to vote, comment and follow. It gives me motivation to update more and more.

-Your sad girl :<

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