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"How do I look?" Chan asked as he fixed his neck tie and turned around to face Min ho who was sitting at the older boy's bed and was reading the poetry book Chan had given him on his birthday. He looked up from his book to see Chan wearing a black tuxedo with his hair pushed back which made his forehead get exposed. "You look fine". With that he went back to reading his book. Chan smiled, and turned back to the mirror, fixing his already made hair.

Tonight was the ball at the school, it was about to start in an hour. Chan had called out his best friend to his dorm to help him out. But the only thing Min ho did was to sit down and read his book. See, one thing about Min ho that was really good was that he was honest and very straight forward. 'If you look ugly then you look ugly' kinda guy. He would never sugar coat and give honest answers to what Chan asked. So he was happy when he heard Min ho saying he looked fine. Meaning he did look fine.

Chan's eyes went on the mirror, he stared at Min ho's reflection who was reading the book he had given. Min ho was wearing a simple black and white strips shirt with black jeans. Chan was spraying perfume on himself when he spoke up. "Are you not going?" Min ho let out a 'no' not even bothering to look up from his book. Chan's eyebrows furrowed. "Well what about Ji sung? Is he not going either?" Min ho sighed and closed his book. "No he's going. Hyun jin's taking him out". He almost called him 'Hwang Brat' in front of Chan.

Chan let out an 'Ahh' as he heard what Min ho said and nodded. He himself saw the way Hyun jin acted around the younger boy, always with him, being a little touchy too. He wasn't that suprised when he heard that Hyun jin had asked him out. Before he could speak up, his alarm on his phone went on, which he put on reminding him that he had to go to Woo jin's dorm to pick up the two boys. Jeong In and Woo jin both were getting ready at the older boy's dorm, his room mate, Kim Jung woo, was helping them with their makeup.

"I'll be off". Chan mumbled and Min ho nodded, getting up and walking towards the door. They both reached the living room and were about to go when Chan stopped Min ho. "Are you sure, you'll be okay? I mean yesterday was.. you know a bit". Chan didn't wanted to bring it up but he couldn't help but be worried about his best friend. "Chan". Min ho placed his hand on the older boy's shoulder, catching him off guard since Min ho never even touched Chan. "Stop worrying about me, go out and enjoy. I'll be fine". Chan's lips turned into a small smile and nodded. "Okay I will". Min ho nodded and took his hand off of Chan's shoulder.

"See you tomorrow. Bye Min ho". Chan said, Min ho nodded and went out of the older boy's room and towards his dance studio.

"P-please don't leave me Ji sung..."
"I won't Min ho".

Min ho shook his head. He couldn't stop thinking about what happened yesterday night. He showed a part of himself to Ji sung. He regretted it. He didn't wanted anyone to see him so weak. But another part of him was not bothered by Ji sung seeing him like that. He remembered how they both held hands and got lost into each other's eyes. "Snap out of it Min ho". He mumbled to himself and continued to walk away.


Min ho sighed as he closed the dorm's door behind his back. It was eleven pm and he had just gotten back from the dance studio. The dorm was empty and dark. He could hear the faint noise of students that were gathered outside the building, preparing the fireworks.

He looked around, actually hoping that Ji sung would be here but sighed when he reminded himself that Ji sung was at the ball with Hyun jin. He shook off his thoughts and went towards his room. He froze as he opened the door to his bed room.

"Ji sung?" The younger boy turned from the window and towards the boy who had just entered. "O-oh sunbae. You're back". He couldn't help but stutter. "What are you doing here?" Min ho asked, clearly confused about why Ji sung was here. "O-oh well actually I-I wanted to see the f-fireworks, But I-I don't have a window in my r-room".

"No I meant, What are you doing in the dorm? Aren't you suppose to be at the ball?" Ji sung shook his head. "No, I-I told you guys I-I wasn't going". This didn't make any sense. "But the Hwang B- I mean Hyun jin, didn't see ask you to go and you said yes".

Ji sung's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "B-But he never asked me out
..". What? "Then why were you two hugging in the hallway? And he asked you and you said yes". Ji sung began to think and soon he remembered and figured out what Min ho was talking about.

"H-H wasn't asking me o-out. H-He was asking me to h-help him ask Seung m-min out".

Min ho wanted to face palm himself. It was so obvious. Hyun jin didn't always look at Ji sung, he stared at the boy besides him. He didn't go to the libraries and group studies with Ji sung because he wanted to be with him. He wanted to go because Seung min was there. It all made sense now. This was all a big misunderstanding. Hyun jin didn't like Ji sung. He liked Seung min. That's why he was always with Ji sung, because Seung min would be there too.

"Oh". Was all he said. Ji sung let out an awkward 'yeah'.

The fireworks were about to start. They both stood next to each other, by the window, wanting to see the fireworks. Min ho secretly taking glances of the younger boy. "Did no one ask you out?" Ji sung's frown was visible he softly nod his head no to answer. "Sorry". Min ho mumbled, realizing that his question could've hurted the younger boy's feelings. "It's fine". Ji sung whispered softly.

The fireworks began. Min ho looked at the different color of firworks bursting in the air as everyone cheered outside the building. It was beautiful, but he looked besides him to see something even more beautiful. Ji sung's eyes were filled with joy. You could see the fireworks bursting from his eyes too. It made him remember all the events that took place.

When he first met Ji sung, when he first talked to him, when he saw him having a panic attack, when he saw Ji sung cry the first time, when he hugged the boy for the first time, when he brought him breakfast, when he first held his hand, when he held the boy in his arms who cried, when they fell asleep together, when he saved him from the thugs, when they sat in the janirators room, when Ji sung went missing, when ji sung made him breakfast, when they both were so close to each other, when Ji sung told him he wouldn't leave him.

Min ho felt his heart beating fast. He felt alive, not like a robot, he felt something, an emotion because of this boy. He made Min ho feel normal, he made Min ho feel something.

Ji sung felt the boy staring at him, making him look at the boy too. They were lost in each other's eyes. The sound of fireworks got lower and lower. It felt like it was just the two of them.

Min ho was the one who stepped closer, Ji sung didn't break eye contact and looked a bit above, since Min ho was taller than him. They were close, their faces 10 cm apart. Both of their heart beats were fast.

It happened too fast. Min ho held the boy's cheek in his hands softly, Ji sung still looking at Min ho's eyes. And then it happened.

Min ho kissed Ji sung.

He placed his lips on the younger boy's lips softly. It was a soft kiss, filled with emotions. Both of their eyes closed softly. Ji sung's hand lifted and he placed them on Min ho's chest, gripping his shirt. Soon Ji sung, responded to the kiss, both of their lips moved together. It wasn't fast and it didn't had any sign of lust in it. It was a soft slow kiss.

They broke the kiss because of the lack of oxygen. Min ho's eyes met Ji sung before he closed them again and pulled the boy into another kiss, which Ji sung responded to as soon as Min ho placed his lips.

They shared their first kiss. Just the two of them.

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-Your sad girl :<

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