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"Mr. Lee Min ho, Suspension for two weeks. Your father is here to pick you up". The principal said, rather disappointed. Min ho was the school's number one student. He always had a clean record and was always on top. He never broke rules, never misbehaved, so it was quite a shock when Min ho entered the office with a black eye, blood of the corner of his lips and bloody knuckles. "Step father". Min ho muttered to himself, before getting up, bowing to the owner of the school and walked away. The hallways were all cleared because classes had started. 

Min ho entered his dorm and went to his room, he opened his bag and placed a few clothes to wear inside it and the things he needed, which were his books. He ignored the pain in his eye and his knuckles and continued packing.

"You know I never imagined that you would actually hit someone". Min ho stopped what he was doing and turned around to see someone he had never imagined standing there.

Seo Chang Bin.

Min ho sighed before turning back and continued to pack. Chang bin stepped forward, watching the older boy quietly pack his stuff. He got the message that Min ho was being suspended when he saw him walking out of the principal's office and when he saw the older boy packing his bag. "Why did you hit him Min ho?" Chang bin said, as he noticed the blood and bruises. Min ho let out a breath and placed the last book in the bag. He looked down on the floor. "I don't know". He answered honestly, as a mumble. He didn't know why he had beat up those kids. He didn't know what he was thinking at that moment. He just remembered seeing Ji sung being pushed harshly and begging them to stop. Chang bin looked at the boy and placed a hand on Min ho's shoulder. 

"I know that you know why Min ho, you just refuse to think about it". Was the only thing the shorter male had said before walking out of the older's room and also out of the dorm. Min ho stared at the door of his bed room before coming back out of his thoughts and zipping his bag, he slung it on his shoulder and walked out of the dorm.

Empty thoughts, he walked out of the dorm's building and walked out of the school's gate. His eyes landed on an unfamiliar yet familiar car which belonged to none other than his step father. His grip on his bag strip tighten as he started to walk towards the car. He saw the man sitting in the driver's seat had noticed him walking and unlocked the car. Min ho opened the door and went inside the back seat, ignoring the presence of the man who was looking at him from the mirror. "hey there, sport". No response, as always. Min ho's step father sighed at the sight of the wounds and blood, he turned on the car and drove away. 

The journey to his house was awfully quiet. Mr. Song kept on glancing at the boy in the back seat who just quietly stared out of the open window. Min ho lived not far away from the school. Students often wondered why Min ho lived in the school's dorm when his house was not that far away from the school. But it was the older boy's decision and of course, Chan was more than happy to have his best friend living in the dorms since his family had shifted back to Australia, leaving Chan here in Seoul, to finish his studies.

They reached his house, he didn't like calling it home since he didn't feel like coming to home for a long time. He opened the door and went out of the car, staring at the house where he lived after his mother got remarried and closed the door. "Your mother is inside, she was there when I got called from your school. So she knows". Ignore, something Min ho did quiet often. He gripped the bag strip and started to walk towards the house.

It was quite big, which was normal since his step father owned a company where his mother worked too. He didn't know what his mother worked as and he never bothered asking. 

"Min ho? Is that you?" His breathing stopped when he heard the familiar voice calling for him as he entered the house. There she was, the woman whom he called mother, the woman who would always tell him to go stay over at Chan's house, the woman who would leave a 7 year old Min ho alone in the house for days, the woman who had made him what he is today. She pulled him in a hug, wrapping her arms around his neck as she closed her eyes. Min ho stood there, quietly, not moving or returning the hug. She broke the hug herself to look at his face. "What happened? Your father got a call from school, saying that you got into a fight". 

"He's not my father", was something Min ho would always tell her but this time he said nothing and just stared at the ground. His mother, placed a hand on his cheek to make him look at him. Min ho finally look at the woman, she was wearing a casual dress, like those rich woman would and an expensive necklace on her neck. She no longer had her hair opened, they were now pulled in a hair bun and she was wearing heels. Her nails painted. She had changed so much that Min ho could no longer recognize her. "Min ho". He was pulled back to reality and saw his mother looking at him, she had been calling him out.

Min ho pulled her hand softly away from his face and sighed, "I'm tired". He walked away from his mother and went upstairs to 'his room'. Leaving his mother and her husband alone who shared a glance.

What do you think?

Q. What is your favorite movie?
A. Twilight part one and The little prince.

-Your sad girl :<


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