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Min ho woke up early. He opened his eyes and rubbed them, looking at his surrounding, regaining his memories of what had happened last night. After Ji sung had bursted into tears they both quietly sat on the couch and someone managed to fall asleep while sitting on the couch.

Min ho pushed back his bangs as he remembered what Ji sung had said last night. He had asked Min ho to save him. He was literally begging Min ho and it left the older one confused.

What exactly did he have to save him from?

Min ho looked at his left to see Ji sung sleeping besides him. Soft snores left the younger's mouth as he had curled himself at the end of the couch. Min ho picked up his phone and checked what time it was. 6:00 am, his phone showed, he turned his phone off and got up. He walked towards the bathroom and got refreshed, before stretching his body for a bit. He wore a jacket and exited the dorm after he had brushed his teeth and was in a good state. Carefully without making any noises after picking the keys. He felt his phone vibrate. And of course it was his best friend.

Bang Christopher Chan:

- Are you coming?
- Woo jin, Jeong In and Felix are also with me.

i'll be there in 5 minutes -

- okay.

He placed his phone back inside his pocket and walked towards the cafetria. Students greeting him on his way like always and he just quietly ealked. He soon reached the cafetria, spotting Chan and the others, like he had mentioned in his text.

"Good morning, how'd you sleep?" Chan asked as Min ho walked towards them. He said a simple 'fine' before heading to grab some breakfast. He looked at the menu and was deciding what to eat when a sudden thought came into his mind.

"I've never seen Ji sung eat before".

"What would you like to have for breakfast?" The cafetrian asked, bringing back Min ho from his thought. He turned to her, letting out an 'oh'.

"One bottle of milk, two sandwiches and one chocolate muffin". The lady nodded, noticing how this was Min ho's first time ordering so much food but shrugged. Min ho walked back to the table where the others were after getting his food, they all were already having a conversation.

"Oooooo a chocolate muffin? Can i have it?" Chan asked, already reaching out for the muffin but Min ho slapped his hand away. Causing Chan to take back his hand and hold it, pouting and winched at Min ho's sudden attack. "Ouch! Why did you do that for? You don't even like chocolate muffin". He was sulking at the fact that he couldn't get the muffin. "You already have so many other food".

"It's not for me, get your own muffin". Min ho stated, munching on his sandwich not looking up. Chan froze as he realized what his best friend had said, eyes widened and looked at Min ho with disbelief.

"Y-You're getting breakfast for Ji sung?"

"Yeah, why is there something wrong with it?" Min ho asked as he continued to eat his sandwich. No change in tone and emotion. "No...". Chan looked at Min ho still not believing him. Soon Min ho was finsihed with eating his sand wich and stood up with the muffin, the other sandwich and the bottle of milk. "I'm finished and heading back to the dorms". He turned around and left the cafetria.

"He's finally changing". Chan mumbled with a smile as he saw his best friend's figure disappear, before turning to the other three who were sitting besides him with a smile on his face.

Minho entered his dorm to see the couch empty. He stared at it and let out a sigh, figuring Ji sung had already left for school, he would always leave really early, a very strange thing about the younger boy. He put the breakfast he bought for Ji sung on the table in the living room. But as soon as he was about to head to his own room he stopped when he heard the bath room door open, revealing his dorm mate.

"O-oh?" Ji sung bowed in front of him as always. "He-hello Sunb-ae". Min ho nodded a greeting. They both stood awkwardly in front of each other. Ji sung was the first one to move, he picked up his bag and walked to the door, ready to leave. "Wait". Min ho spoke calmly, turning to face the boy who looked at the older one a bit nervous and suprised.

"I got you some breakfast, eat before you leave". Min ho said, and walked inside the bathroom to get ready for school, leaving the younger boy confused. When Min ho walked out of the bathroom, Ji sung had already left. His eyes landed on the table. It was empty. He let out a sigh and walked out of the dorm after grabbing his bag.

Version Of Me | MinSung |Where stories live. Discover now