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"Felix are you home?" Felix huffed and buried himself in the sheets, correction, Chang bin's sheets. Chang bin was currently in the living room, he had just came back from the library because he was busy finishing the project with his partner, Ji yeon. 

"Felix?" Chang bin opened the door of his own room, it was practically Felix's room too since the boy would always sneak into Chang bin's room at night and slide in the sheets and fall asleep while hugging the older boy, he would wake up before the older boy would and then leave the room. But of course, Chang bin didn't need to know this.

Chang bin chuckled when he spotted someone, Felix under the covers and on Chang bin's bed. Chang bin shook his head softly as he headed towards the bed. He lied down on the empty spot besides Felix on the bed, not forgetting to leave some distance between him and Felix. "Are you asleep?" Chang bin whispered softly, it was currently eleven pm so he wasn't sure if the boy was awake or not. Just as he was going to believe that Felix was asleep, the younger's head slowly started to poke out of the blanket made Chang bin softly laugh. 

"Where were you?" Felix asked the older boy, clearly both tired and angry. Chang bin stopped laughing and looked at the boy. "I was at the library for the project". 

"With Ji yeon?" Chang bin nodded, clearly confused why Felix was asking about his partner for the project. "Yeah, she's my partner for the project". The mention of the girls name made Felix a big irritated. Felix pulled the covers on top of him again, covering his face and head. "Why are you here now? You should've stayed with her". Chang bin pretended to agree with him. "That's a good idea, she did invite me to spend the night at her dorm". Chang bin was about to get up when he saw Felix's hand slowly coming from under the covers and held Chang bin's wrist, preventing him from leaving.

A small smile appeared on Chang bin's lips, he lied back on the bed. "D-Did-" Chang bin turned to face the younger boy who was trying to say something. "Did she t-try to do s-something?" Felix's face was burning red behind the covers. Chang bin was actually taken off guard because of Felix's question. Sure Felix seemed so confident and all but in reality he was really shy. Chang bin decided to play for a bit. "Hmm she did kiss my cheek". Felix jolted out from the covers with his eyes widened.

"What!? She kissed you on the cheek!?" Chang bin tried his best to not burst into laughter. Felix had a big pout on his lips, he placed his hands on Chang bin's cheeks and turned his face both ways. "Which cheek did she kiss? Did you wash your face after she kissed you? Why did she kiss you? Why did you let her kiss you?" Chang bin couldn't stop himself so he started to laugh making Felix extremely confused as he watched Chang bin. "What? Why are you laughing?" He asked as he saw Chang bin rolling on the bed. "Oh god Felix, the look on your face". Felix furrowed his eyebrows but soon he figured that Chang bin was just playing with him, his face turned red out of embarrassment.

"Yah!" Chang bin continued cracking up while Felix hid himself back under the covers.

What do you think? Any theories?

Q. Do you have long hair or short hair?

A. Short hair with bangs. I've never had long hair.

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-Your sad girl :<

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