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So a LOT of you wanted me to write a smut chapter so here i am. Thank you for commenting and telling me to write this chapter, if i'm comfortable. This is my first time writing smut and it's 5:51 am and i haven't slept for four day, only two or three hours a day so bear with me please.

Warning: boy x boy smut. Don't read if you are uncomfortable.

The night Ji sung graduated from high school:

The sound of keys unlocking the door hurriedly was heard in the quiet apartment and soon the door flung open. Two boys stepping inside and as soon as they closed the door behind them, Ji sung's back was attached to the wall by the older boy, Min ho, who had his hands roaming around the younger boy's clothed body, trying to touch him as much as possible and vice versa.

Being away from each other for a year was not easy at all, for both boys. They had no source of communication between each other, they hadn't talk to each other for a year, hadn't seen each other for a year, hadn't touched each other for a year and god it almost drove them crazy. But they needed it, Min ho needed it, that one year gap from everything, to find himself. To know who he is, to accept himself and find his identity, his purpose to live in this world, to live.

Min ho's lips eagerly met the younger one's, who replied to the kiss as soon as Min ho pressed his lips against the younger boy. Bodies attached to each others, hands desperately trying to feel each other as much as possible. Min ho's hands made their way towards the younger boy's slim waist who's hands were gripping the older boy's hair, squeezing them time to time. Usually when they kissed it was more of a peck and they usually gave each other cheek or nose kisses more instead of real kisses because both of them used to be shy around each other, but seeing each other after a year really made them desparate.

And how could Min ho not kiss Ji sung like this when he looked so freaking hot? Ji sung can gotten mature feature wise. He had his hair dyed royal blue, it made Min ho feel some kind of way and same goes for ji sung, who couldn't keep his hands to himself too, Min ho had dyed his hair orange, and on top of that his personality had changed too. He no longer had his usual blank expression and happily talked to his friends and his boyfriend and Ji sung couldn't be more happier.

Since they missed each other so much and loved each other so much, out of love and excitement, Min ho bit the blue haired boy's lip a little not softly, making the younger boy let out a small moan at the feeling of his boyfriend's lips followed by a moan. The moan, sounded like an angel calling out, making Min ho's stomach feel some kind of way. They continued kissing each other. The only sound that could be heard was the sound of a sloppily kissing couple, with a few pants and small whimpers from the blue haired boy. Min ho's body was losing control every time ji sing touched him.

Hearts beating fast, lips hungrily trying to taste each other as much as possible, bodies dangerously pressed together, Min ho bit his boyfriend's lower lip not to hardly, but enough to make the boy understand what he wanted him to do and with that Ji sung opened his mouth and Min ho slipped his tongue inside Ji sung's mouth, exploring every single part of it. The younger boy, who was new to all of this, whimpered, loving the feeling of his lover's tongue sucked on it. Feeling to pleasurable and Min ho's body and hands all over him and his tongue in his mouth, he couldn't help but moan Min ho's name.


And that was enough for Min ho to lose control, because now he had Ji sung picked up, hands on his thighs and he continued kissing him, he carried him in his room. Both of their chests pressed with each other.

Min ho closed the door behind them and walked to the bed, placing the boy on the bed and continued to kiss him. The sound of lips attaching was heard in the room, Ji sung's cheeks had a tint of red on them because of their heated kiss. Pulling away to catch their breaths, Min ho looked in the younger boy's eyes, looking for an answer and he did got one. With red rosy cheeks and a big swollen lips, and eyes filled with millions of stars, the younger boy gave a small nod and Min ho had almost missed it.

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