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"You two. Stop right there".

Ji sung's heartbeat dropped. He felt as if he was about to lose his soul. "Keep on walking". Min ho whispered to the younger boy trying to get out of this situation. Ji sung's grip getting tighter. Min ho noticing how Ji sung's small hands were holding his tightly in fear.

"I said stop!" And they did. Ji sung looked the older boy as he was shaking. "S-sunbae..." Min ho seemed to be in some thoughts but spoke up. The situation where they were at was so dangerous. Ji sung just wanted to hide forever. He hated it, he hated this all. The quietness was killing him but thankfully Min ho spoke up. "Ji sung, i'm gonna count till three. Run as fast as you can to the dorm when i get to three". Min ho whispered. "Sunbae..." Ji sung couldn't leave him alone in this situation. This was his problem, he couldn't leave Min ho to solve it but he didn't have any other choice. So he nodded quietly when Min ho looked at him. Min ho squeezed his hand and slowly started to turn around. "One.." he whispered as he turned. "Two" he stopped, squeezing Ji sung's hand for the last time and looked up. "Three!" Ji sung ran and so did Min ho. But in different directions.

One of the thugs ran towards the older boy, he tried to punch but Min ho dodged it in time and kicked him in his stomach, the other thug tried attacking but Min ho was fast, he punched the guy in his stomach and kicked him there, causing the man to land on the ground with a groan. Min ho didn't notice the third man hovering on him and landing a punch on his face making Min ho land on the ground.

He opened his eyes and wiped his mouth, looking at his sleeve he spotted blood on it. Min ho felt anger building up inside of him. He was always told to control him anger down. But now this was it.

Now things were going down.

Min ho growled and stood up. He looked around and spotted a metal rod. Picking it up, he held it in his arms. The first thug ran towards him, his grip tighten as he swinged the metal rod, hitting the thug straight in his head.

One down, two more to go. When the second one charged at him it caused him to lose his balance but he regained it quickly. He held the metal rod as the man tried to take it. Min ho quickly kicked him in the stomach causing the man to let go of the metal rod and then he swinged it, hitting him on his face. He looked around, trying to catch his breath.

Wait weren't there three of them?

He groaned as he felt his body hit the ground, his head hurt. The metal rod rolled on the opposite side. He looked up to see the man sitting on top of him and punched him on the eye. He groaned as he felt great pain in his left eye. He tried to fight the man but he was too strong. Min ho couldn't help but give up. His body was starting to hurt. He felt hopeless. He couldn't do anything. He saw how the man on top of him, pulled up his fist to punch Min ho. He closed his eyes.

Atleast Ji sung's safe.


He opened his eyes when he heard the sound. The man in front of him froze and then fell down besides him. He looked at the man with eyes wide opened before looking up. The boy quickly went to Min ho.

"Ji sung. I told you to run away". Ji sung shook his head, his body shaking. "I-I couldn't leave y-you like that". Min ho stared at the boy in front of his eyes. He noticed the tear stains on his chubby cheeks. "Were you crying?" Their eyes met as Ji sung looked up.

Ji sung hesitated but held Min ho cheek on his hand as he softly wiped it. The older's eyes never left the other boy, who was biting his lower lip. Min ho hissed when he felt pain in the corner of his lips, which seemed to make Ji sung realize what was going on, he quickly pulled back his hand. "O-Oh my gosh. You're bleeding".

"I'm fine Ji sung". Min ho said, his eyes went to the boy who quickly looked away.

This author sucks at writing fight scenes. So she apologises for it.

What do you think? Any theories?

Q. Do you have any siblings? If you  do then how many?

A. I have three siblings. The eldest is my sister, then my brother, then me and then my younger brother.

Don't forget to vote, comment and follow. It gives me motivation to update more and more.

-Your sad girl :<

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