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Min ho pushed back his hair as he left the store where Ji sung worked in, he went in both of them. There was no sign of the boy. The workers in the store told Min ho that they hadn't seen Ji sung for the past two days. Min ho was walking in the dark empty streets of Seoul. It was past midnight and there was still no sign of the younger boy.

Min ho pulled out his phone in hopes of getting back a reply from Ji sung. He opened his texts and went to Ji sung's contact which was still unsaved.


For god sake Ji sung
where the hell are you?

That added up and made it the 14th text Min ho had sent Ji sung, and probably the most texts Min ho had ever sent someone. He tried calling the boy again but it seemed like he wasn't picking up.

Chan called him and told him to meet up at Min ho's dorm. That's how Min ho found himself walking towards his own dorm.


Hyun jin was the one who called Seung min to ask if he had seen the younger boy. Seung min, Ji sung's used to be best friend (he still is) had no idea since Ji sung wasn't talking to him. They decided to ask Felix who had his P.E class with Ji sung. Turns out Felix had no idea where the boy was as he hadn't seen Ji sung himself too. Chang bin was with them when they were asking Felix. They decided to ask Jeong In in hopes to get an answer. They all went to Jeong in and Chan's dorm to ask. Woo jin was with them at the moment and all of them were awake were awake they asked them. Neither Woo jin, Chan or Jeong In had seem him for the past two days. Chan decided to call Min ho, Ji sung's dorm mate, and ask him about the whereabouts of Ji sung. Ji sung wasn't there either. Woo jin along with Chang bin and Felix went to ask the house master if the boy had taken a leave, but he didn't so it only meant one thing.

Ji sung had been gone missing for the past two nights and no one had any idea.

"Any idea where Ji sung would be at?" Chan asked the seven boys who were all gathered up at Min ho and Ji sung's dorm. Chan was standing besides Min ho in front of the couch. Seung min was on the couch besides Woo jin who had Jeong In sleeping on his lap while Chang bin, Felix and Hyun jin were sitting on the floor. Chang bin was trying to track the younger boy.

They all shook their head and sighed. "I just don't understand why he would disappear like this?" Hyun jin asked, clearly worried about his new friend. They all were talking except for Seung min, and Felix seemed to notice it. "Seung min-ah are you okay?" And that seemed to make Seung min burst into tears. He hid his gace behind his face as he sobbed. They all exchanged worrier glances. Woo jin, his brother, was the one who pulled him in a side hug, careful not to wake the boy in hia lap who had grown tired and fallen asleep. "Seung min-ah don't cry". Chan spoke up. "I-It's my fa-fault. I-I was sup-pose t-to be wit-th him and t-take care of h-him". He sobbed.

Min ho sighed and looked away. He had no idea if the thugs had gotten to him or if something happened. All seemed to stop when Chang bin spoke up. "Guys I found him, He's at the Han river".

And then the door of the dorm was closed so hard leaving them all a bit scared, Jeong In woke up with a jolt as he heard the loud thud of the door. They all had no idea what happened until Chan spoke up.

"Where did Min ho go?"

How do you like it so far? Any theories?

Q. Are you in a relationship?

A. No.

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-Your sad girl :<

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