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Min ho unlocked the door to his dorm and went inside after locking it. It was currently 10 pm and Like always he went to his room first and dropped his things. He wanted to take a shower as soon as possible because of how much sweaty he was feeling after coming back from the dance studio. After taking his clothes from his closet, he closed the door and walked to the bathroom. But stopped at his place, looking back at the familiar door of his dorm mate he sighed. Wondering if the younger one was inside or not. He refused to accept that he was growing worried about Ji sung, but he couldn't just help it. He saw how Ji sung's eyes were filled with pain and dullness, there was no light in them. As if he was dying and that was what scared Min ho. Never in his life did he ever care about anyone except for himself, not even his mother, but with Ji sung it was different, another thing that scared him. He wasn't used to feel this way. He let out a sigh, figuring there was no point of staring at Ji sung's room door since he wasn't going to show up. He never came out as if he was too embarrassed or scared to show his face to Min ho. He went inside the bathroom and took a shower. After getting a 10 minutes shower, he got dressed and came out of the bathroom, not noticing that someone was inside the kitchen. Just as he was about to enter his room, the sound of something breaking made him froze. He quickly looked back, noticing that the light inside the kitchen was on. He hurried inside the kitchen.

There stood his dorm mate, the boy who was making him worried. With a glass shattered on the floor as he held his feet. Before Min ho would even say a word, and had just opened his mouth, he was left shocked when the younger one broke down into tears.

"I-I'm so so-rry!pl-please don't h-hurt me!I-I swear it was a mistake, i-i didn't mean to!" He was sobbing on the floor and Min ho stood completely shocked. "I-I'll clean it up!" Ji sung bent down picking up the pieces of glass but before he could pick up the pieces of broken glass, he collapsed on the floor. "Ji sung!" Min ho shouted as he rushed towards the younger one. "Shit you're having a panic attack". He mumbled as he held to the younger boy who wasn't able to breathe and was shaking. "Ji sung look at me! Ji sung!" Never in his life did he ever expect this would happen. "Ji sung can you hear me?" He tried to grab the younger's attention. He knew he should be calm but he couldn't. The younger wasn't breathing properly and he was loosing himself. He quickly took out his phone from the back pocket of his jeans and called his best friend. After about 2 rings Chan picked up. "Hey Min ho what's up?"
"Chan! Come to my dorm Now!" He was yelling on the phone as he held the younger boy. "Woah what's going on?! Everything okay!?" Never in his life had he ever heard Min ho sound in so much panic. "Ji sung's having a panic attack". With that Chan hung up. "Ji sung, can you hear me? try to breathe". Min ho turned his attention to the boy in his arms.

The door opened, Min ho heard the sound of rushed footsteps. "Min ho!". He looked up to see Chan along with Woo jin and Jeong In. Woo jin rushed towards Ji sung. "Ji sung can you hear me? Everything's going to be fine. I want you to inhale and exhale okay?" Woo jin was a medical student. So he knew what he was doing. "D-don't hu-rt m-me. I-I'm sor-ry". Min ho looked at Woo jin, who himself was taken off guard. "No one's going to hurt you okay? You're safe. I want you to breathe".

"Hyung please". Min ho looked to his left to see Jeong in sitting besides him, looking at Ji sung with a sad expression as if he was about to cry. Ji sung tried to breathe but he failed, causing him to sob. "Shh it's okay, it's okay take your time". After about a few minutes he finally calmed down. Min ho didn't say anything and just quietly held him. Ji sung had his eyes closed as he breathed softly. He looked up at Chan who had a frown on his face. He remembered Chan's words that he spoke when he told him his room mates name.

"Min ho, Ji sung's one of the most bullied kid at school.. he's the kid who tried to commit suicide from the school's building last year..."

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