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When Min ho entered the dorm at eleven pm, he didn't expect his dorm mate to be staring at the television which wasn't even on. He furrowed his eyebrows as he slowly placed down his bag from his shoulder as he stepped inside the living room. Ji sung didn't move from his place, he just blankly stared at the television screen. Min ho turned to the television and only saw their reflection on the flat television screen. Min ho's attention turned to the piece of paper that the younger held in his hand.

"Min ho sunbae", he turned to the younger boy, who had called him out. Ji sung hadn't moved his eyes from the television screen. But then he finally looked up at the male who was standing near the television screen.

"Do you ever just feel like giving up? Like Life just isn't worth it anymore?"

Min ho was left speechless, never in a million was he expecting Ji sung to say something like this. He just stared at the boy, who was sitting on the couch, tears started to fill in the younger's eyes. Min ho saw how the boy was breaking in front of his eyes. He had no idea what to do or how to say something.

He stepped closer to the younger boy and sat besides him, keeping some distance between them. Ji sung covered his eyes with his palms as he tried to wipe the tears. The younger harshly sniffed and wiped his tears with his arm, looking at Min ho with swallowen red eyes and dark circles.

"W-Why me..? Why is i-it always m-me...? D-don't I deserve to be ha-happy too? Don't I-I have the rig-ht to s-smile and l-live a life? Everyt-thing I ever had was t-taken away from me. The-they took h-him away fro-from me a!and i-i couldn't d-do anything abo-ut it. Everyone I-I loved left. M-My parents, my f-friends, m-my famil-ly. Every single f-fucking person".

Min ho was at a lost of words. It was like his whole brain had turned off and he was unable to say something or do anything. Even if he could what would he do? What would he say?

Min ho saw how the boy was crumbling, losing every single bit of hope, falling apart, how he wasn't living his life, he was just surviving. How his eyes were all bloodshot and didn't hold anything but sorrow, pain. There was no light, no sign of hope. He was lost in this cruel, harsh, unfair world all alone, trying his best to survive. So Min ho did the most unexpected thing anyone could imagine.

He got closer to the boy and wrapped his arm around the boy's waist, pulling him closer to his chest. One hand on the back of the boy's head that was pressed against Min ho's chest as he sobbed loudly on the older's white t-shirt which was now covered with tears. But Min ho didn't care. He closed his eyes sofly patting the boy's head softly and humming a soft melody, in hopes of calming the boy down.

His touch was soft and so was the melody. He held the lost boy in his arms so carefully, like he was holding thin glass.

They stayed like that for a few minutes. Min ho noticed that the boy in his arms had calmed down and was only tearing up. After a while he stopped, he carefully and slowly looked down to see that the boy had fallen asleep. "He must be really tired". Min ho mumbled to himself. His eyes landed on the piece of paper on Ji sung's hand that. The sleepy boy had loosen his grip on the paper. Min ho stared at the paper and then back at the boy in his arms.

"Don't do it Min ho. It's not yours. It could be personal, you wouldn't want someone to see your things either".

He thought to himself. But the boy in his arms was in this state and it had to do something with the piece of paper. So he did it. He slowly took the piece of paper from the younger's hand, trying his best not to wake him up. Ji sung moved a bit but didn't wake up. In fact he snuggled closer to the older boy. His grip on Min ho's shirt was loose but it was also a bit tighten.

Min ho felt the boy's face pressed against his neck and let out a sigh of relief as he saw the boy was still asleep. He carefully opened the piece of paper. It was actually like a small receipt. Min ho's eyes furrowed as he read the piece of paper. After finsihing reading, he looked up and then at the younger boy who looked so peaceful, sleeping in his arms with his cheeks pressed against Min ho's chest. He sighed and leaned his back against the couch, staring up at the empty ceiling, with the boy in his arms as millions of thoughts started to enter in his brain.

"How did someone withdraw a million won out of Ji sung's bank account?"

How do you like it so far? Any theories?

I'm trying my best to update as much as possible. Right now it's 11:55 pm and this author has a big headache that is unstoppable and also has insomnia.

Also a friendly advice, don't read this chapter while listening to 'Say you won't let go' becaue this author nearly cried while writing down this chapter. Hope you guys are liking it so far.

Also tell me how your day went. I'm curious.

Don't forget to vote, comment and follow. It gives me motivation to update more and more.

-Your sad girl :<

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