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"Felix honey, you're going to break your chopsticks". Felix came back to reality after he heard Woo jin call him out. "Oh right, sorry hyung". He mumbled with a frown looking down at his untouched lunch. It was currently lunch break and they all were sitting at their usual spot, except for Chang bin.

"Where is Chang bin hyung anyway?" Jeong In asked the younger Australian as he munched on a strawberry. "He has a project to do, so he's with his partner right now". Felix mumbled, his hand was placed under his chin, balancing his head with a pout on his lips.

Min ho was sitting at the end with Chan on his side who was sitting with Woo jin and Jeong in, and in front of them were Felix, Hyun jin, Ji sung and Seung min. Speakimg of Seung min and Ji sung, they got closer again and were in good terms. Now they were always together and with Hyun jin most of the time. Speaking of Hyun jin, Min ho had been having a different kind of feeling about that boy. Especially after he heard him call Ji sung 'Sungie' and his behaviour towards that boy.

"Cheer up Felix, he'll be back. He's just discussing some stuff about work". Chan said making Felix pout. "I know, I just.." he sighed again instead of contiuning his sentence and went back on stabbling the chips.

"Any ways", Chan spoke up, bringing the boys attention. "The Ball is coming up". A blush appeared on both Woo jin's and Jeong in's cheeks. "Who are you taking hyung?" Hyun jin asked the older Australian who smiled. "Well, I'm taking both Jeong In and Woo jin".

"As in together? The three of you?" Seung min asked making all three boys nod. "Yup, I asked both of them out and they wanted to go as the three of us". Hyun jin brought up his hand to cover his month as he fake coughed "*cough* poly relationship *cough*". The rest of them laughed as the three boys blushed. Luckily, everyone of them was pretty open minded and had no problem with poly relationships or being not straight. Since some of them themselves, weren't straight.

"What about you Hyun jin? I bet all the girls, or boys would want to go with you" Hyun jin rubbed the back of his neck as the three boys (jeong in, chan and woo jin) agreed and nodded. "Yeah well I actually have someone in mind". This caught everyone's attention, as all of them looked at the blushing boy who turned to Ji sung. "What about you Ji sung? Did you plan on going?" Ji sung, who was quietly eating his lunch,.looked up to see all of them looking at him.

"Uh... w-ell actually..." he looked down in embarrassment and spoke up. "N-No one asked m-me out a-and I-I don't know...." his voice getting lower and lower. Hyun jin placed a hand on the younger boy's shoulder "Don't worry Sungie, I'm sure someone will ask you out". Min ho blankly stared at the two boys in front of him. "What about you Seung min?" Hyun jin looked at the boy sitting besides Ji sung who looked at the older boy. "Oh well I would love to go but", he looked down at his legs. "I don't have anyone who would take me so I'm not planning on going besides a ball is for dancing and my legs... yeah".

Everyone understood what the boy was trying to say and nodded, not wanting to ask more to make the boy uncomfortable. "And you Lix?" Felix turned red and placed his hands on his cheeks. "I was planning on asking Binnie Binnie to go with me". He spoke, in a very cutely manner, making everyone chuckle. It was so plain obvious that Felix liked Chang bin that even a blind man could tell. "What about you Min ho hyung?" Min ho looked up from his book to Jeong in, who had asked him. Chan placed a hand on his mouth to prevent himself from laughing again.

"I'm not going". And then he went back to reading.

How do you like it so far? Any theories?

Q. What are your hobbies?

A. Reading, writing, skating, dancing and learning about flowers.

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-Your sad girl :<

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