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"Okay I want you to tell me everything about your roommate". To say that the blonde Australian was a little too excited was a statement. They were sitting in the cafetria , having breakfast. Just like Chan had texted Min ho at midnight.

"There's nothing to tell". Min ho said in his usual monotune voice as he ate a slice of apple. "Oh come on there's got to be something".

"There isn't. We don't talk, he's mainly out or inside in his room. He doesn't come out much either and he's quiet, doesn't make a mess and doesn't disturbs me so I'm satisfied with my roommate". Min ho explained, Chan looked like he was nowhere near giving up. "What's his name anyway? You keep on calling him 'roommate' it's pretty annoying". Chan asked. as he picked up some bread, eating and munching it before looking up at a blank and quiet Min ho, causing him to stop chewing.

"Wait!? You don't even know his name?! Dude, you've been living with a boy for like 2 weeks and you don't even know his name!?" To say that Chan was disappointed in his best friend was also another statement. "It's not such a big deal. I already told you, we don't even talk". Min ho shrugged, wanting Chan to change the topic already since he knew that the older wouldn't shutup, he actually hoped he would but this is Bang Christopher Chan we're talking about. Shutting up isn't in his blood. "Damn dude, I'm disappointed like i've been roommates with Jeong in for like 2 weeks too and we already went to hang out like four times, saw a movie together and I even know all his pushie's name he owns!"

Jeong in, Yang Jeong in to be exact, was a freshmen and he was now roommates with the blonde Australian. Min ho remembers how on the first day of school after they got their roommates, Chan came up to him and blabbered about how 'cute' and 'smol' his roommates, how much Chan loved when Jeong in talked and smiled, how he loved his dimples and braces. Min ho wouldn't be suprised if Chan had already gotten a crush on the young freshmen.

"What happened to that Woo jin guy you were crushing on since last year?" Kim Woo jin, a fellow senior of their, Min ho had two classes with him. They never talked though. But Min ho had seen him after Chan had told him that he had a crush on Kim Woo jin. Woo jin was in the school's vocal club and was known for his smooth voice and bear like figure. The way they both talked to each other, Min ho was pretty sure that Woo jin and Chan would end up together. "Woo jin's great. We went out to have dinner like last weekend, He met Jeong in and they seemed to get along with each other pretty well. Jeong in grew comfortable with Woo jin too. You can say Woo jin comes to our dorm pretty often and we even decided to go out together, like you know the three of us".

Scratch that, Min ho wouldn't be suprised if Chan, Woo jin and Jeong In end up being in a poly relationship with each other.

"Whatever floats your boat". Min ho mumbled, getting up from his spot. "I'm done, I'm heading back to my dorn and getting ready for school". With that Min ho walked away, ignoring the 'BYE MINMIN! SAY HI TO YOUR ROOMMATE FROM ME!' He rethinks why he was still friends with the blonde dumb Australian.

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