Chapter 16 A line in the sand

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Authors Notes: I hope you all enjoy this chapter! Please be sure to leave a comment, those of you that haven't yet, it really helps me out! And I would love you forever! Lastly, if you haven't already, give a listen to the audio version of this story. It is fully voiced cast! youtube- Zelda Botw Sequel(fanmade) audiobook part 1. Episode two of that will be released soon.

Chapter 16

A line in the sand

Back at the heart of camp, things were still in an uproar. The imminent danger of the fires may have been averted, but things were hardly peaceful. An accounting of the damage was already underway. Strategic posts of guard sentries were also being set up around the entire perimeter to prevent any such a surprise attack from ever happening again. A hubris and careless mistake that they would all live to regret.

During this time, the princess, along with the help of Sidon, was organizing men, trying to get the camp back under control. She took it upon herself during this time to set up a makeshift area for the wounded as they quickly overfilled the infirmary, delegating smaller tasks simultaneously to those around her. And just as the situation became calmer and order was re-established to her satisfaction, she was free to meet with her head of the command, Lord Simon, his war cabinet, and the representative of House Tarble, Taleran.

"Okay, nurse, you think you will be able to handle the rest of the situation here?" Zelda asked, setting down a crate of supplies near some medical cots.

"Yes, princess. Thank you. We will get these men taken care of, I promise!" The field nurse replied with a warm nod.

Lord Sylmoor was also there accompanying her. "Perhaps, we should meet back with my brother at the command tent. It appears the situation here at hand is well off enough. You've done all you could here, princess. Well done too if I might add," he said.

"Not until I see Link! Just a little longer." She said. But just as she did, she saw from out the corner of her eye, a Starsguard Elite come around the edge of the camp and marched right up to where she stood. He was constable and held a high rank among the army.

"Your majesty, my lord of Illiastar, request your presence in his quarters. As well do the other lords."

"Not until I find out if Link that has made it back and is alright!" Zelda abruptly turned and spoke, still tending to matters at hand.

The constable blinked. "Link, who?"

"Sir-Link, my knight! That's who," she said back sternly.

The esteemed solder then leaned back, hand firmly on his sheathed sword. He then titled his head and replied. "Ah, yes, we will keep an eye out for him. I promise you, my Princess. But, you should leave at once your highness, my lord beseeches thee."

Sylmoor poked his head into their conversation. "It will be alright, princess. That lad Link is as tough as they come. For the time being, you should go see what all the fuss is with my brother. I'm sure he wants to go over what exactly has happened here tonight."

"Indeed. What has happened here tonight?" Zelda asked aloud rhetorically, still bewildered at what has taken place.

"I have no idea, but I think we all will soon find out your grace...But, if I may, we should be off. These sorts of matters can't wait too long, princess. You are the princess, after all," Sylmoor reiterated.

Admitting the fact that as the princess, she did have a duty to her kingdom and to all those who came on along on this campaign, she nodded back to them both. "I am the princess...and well, if you all insist, I go, then I will go. But, please do tell Link where I am as soon as he arrives back from the fires. Tell him that his princess is waiting for him and that it is the utmost urgency that I see him. Will you tell him for me, captain?"

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