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We arrive to class and I notice the class has 4 rows of seats all lined up against the sides of the wall, forming a square. Dino pulls out an extra desk and I sit next to Sameul.

I watch as each line enter the classroom, I can feel them stare at me but I don't spare them a glance, I try my hardest not to look too intimidating but it's hard regarding my powers.

I had to stifle back a laugh when the Angel's walked in, Jeonghan was the first to see me, he turned and whispered something to the other 2.

They looked shocked and confused to see me, an 02 liner in the most powerful class.

"Hello class if your ready, let's start attendance." The professor says as he sets a stack of papers down.

I watched in confusion as the boys counted off by numbers, all the way to Sameul who was 14, they all looked at me like I was supposed to burst into song or smth.

It wasn't until Sameul nudged my shoulder til I realized what I did need to say. "Oh, 15." I say and the teachers nods with a smile.

"Students this is Zhou Zhennan, are newest trilogy." He said and they all looked from me to the professor. "Woah calm down there, I'm not some book series or something." I say.

"My name is Zhou Zhennan, call me Vin and I'm line 02." I stand up and bow.

Seokmin's hand shot up immediately. "Yeah?" I ask. "Is it true that your a blessed human?" He asked and I nodded.

"I was blessed in 2010 when I was 8 years old." I say. "How?" Mingyu asks. "Uhhh, well when I was at camp, a bunch of icicles impaled my entire body, I was supposed to be dead, but I lived and inherited these powers." I say.

"What's your power name?" Jihoon asked. "Antarctic Star." I say, "Can you show us?" Wonwoo asked motion infront of us. I look at the professor who just smiles and nodd.

I slowly approach the middle of the class room. I think for a moment of what I can do, before it comes to me. I place my hand on the floor.

Then the ground starts to shake slightly and ice crystals grow out of the ground, the wolves gasps in shock. I then flick the large crystal and it explodes along with the other ones. Decorating the floor in pure white snow.

I twirl my hand as sparking up a snowball, I throw it above the heads of the 97 line, it explodes and snow begins to fall. I repeat that and soon it was snowing throughout the entire class.

"THIS. IS. SO. COOL!" Mingyu says picking a handful of the fresh powered watching it satisfyingly pour back onto his desk.

"Thank you." I say sitting back down and Samuel grabbed my hand. "Woah! Your hands are ice cold!" He said and I laughed.

"Since Vin is new and doesn't know much about us. Why don't we do introductions, and a little show and tell." The professors suggest and the others agree.

Except for the 95 line.

"Show and tell? Really what are we 5?" Seungcheol scoffed and Hoshi's hand shot up. "Shut up Soonyoung, you have the brain capacity of an orange peel." Jeonghan sassed

"SAY THAT AGAIN! I DARE YOU!" Jihoon yelled as he shot up. All the Angel's stood up, ready to finish this fight.

"Guys not again." Seokmin whined as Wonwoo and Hoshi stood up to defend Woozi's side.

"Does this happen normally?" I ask the wolf's and they shrug, "You'll get used to it." Vernon says as I watch the 2 line throw insults back and forth at each other.

Finally someone put an end to it.

Children Vin x Seventeen Where stories live. Discover now