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First thing Saturday morning the 3 groups opened a portal to head to their human world interactions.  "Hansol will you calm down it's just a subway train." Seungcheol said as Vernon was bouncing off the walls.

"But there's so many smells! My wolf is going crazy!" Vernon said as his head whipping back and forth as smells overwhelmed his nose.

"Here this should contain some smells." Wonwoo said handing a mask over to Vernon who thanked him and qasthe all got onto the subway.

The train ride was short seeing that the record store was only 3 blocks away from where they opened their portal, but Mingyu insisted they take the subway.

"Here we are." I say as I swing the door to the large record store. We all split up as we explored the album. I was immediately went to the back, knowing exactly what I was looking for.

Sameul told me about what album he wanted, 'Straight outta Oz.' And if that album was somewhere, it was definitely here.

"Mingyu I swear stop following me." Wonwoo rolled his eyes as he could feel the vampires presence lurking behind him.

"Would you rather have me get lost?" Mingyu pouted as Wonwoo stopped and thought about it for a moment before answering.

"I honestly wouldn't mind." Wonwoo says as Mingyu furrows his eyebrows. "Stop doing that." Wonwoo grumbles as he continued browsing the albums.

"Your mean sometimes." Mingyu said with an even deeper, and even more annoying pout. "I'm NOT mean!" Wonwoo snapped his eyes turning black.

Mingyu hissed loudly at Wonwoo, showing his fangs and blood red eye. The 2 stared at eachother for sometime before Vernon separated them.

"Ladies ladies your both pretty let's go?" Vernon said as they both hissed at Vernon who growled back playfully.

"Come on losers." He chuckled as he turned on his heels as he made his way towards the headphones and earbudsm

"Aha! Found it!" I cheer as I grab the last copy of that OZ album. "Thank you lord!" I send a kiss to the air. But my celebration was oh so rudely cut off.

"That's mine kid. Hand it back." A random man snaps at me. I stare blankly at him and then back at the album, then back at the man.

"I'm sorry? But It was just on the-" The man cut me off but I held it close to my chest.

"GIVE IT KID!" He yelled as he tried to grab it again but I stepped away. The next time he tired he grabbed my arm and I already knew what was coming. With his other hand, the man sent a slap right across my face.

It was weak really, but I acted like it really hurt as I fell to the floor. "I can't believe you just hit me!" I fake gasp holding my cheek, and just like I guessed one of the store workers ran up to us.

"Sir! What you just did was unacceptable, I just saw everything and I'm going to have to ask you to leave before I call the police!" She said pushing him away.

"Are you alright kid?" She asked softly as she helped me up. I nodded and thanked her. She said it was no problem, and asked if I need any help or ice.

Once I assured her I was fine, she gave me the OZ album for free, well technically "On the House."

"Vin! Are you okay? What happened?" Seungcheol asked running up to me. He waited until the store lady left, when he leaned in and whispered.

"Why didn't you fight him? You could have froze his ass." He asked and I sighed and placed the album in a bag the lady gave me.

"If I used my blessing let alone fought him, I would be in bigger trouble and just as bad as him." I sighed as I pressed my palm against my stinging cheek, hoping to cool it off.

"Here in the human world, you need to work smarter not harder."

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