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Me and Samuel shortly arrive at the school and arrive through the back doors, we say Jeonghan and Dk scooping out children from the cafeteria and library.

As we enter the hallway, I watched bullets fly over our heads as I freeze every gun I could.

Samuel was busy healing any injured student, that the shooters had clearly shot down before we arrived.

One of them tried to tackle me but he froze them the the ground. The worst spot full of shooters was the main office. They all stare at us and start shooting.

"Sameul get out of here, go find other kids." I said as we stared at the whole group of shooters, Samuel nodded hesitantly as he ran off after wishing me goodluck.

I tore off my jacket revealing my arms as snowflake decorated my arms. I close my eyes and let my mind fall blank.

Everything froze around me, coating it in thick ice. I don’t even know how but icicles flew out of the ground, impaling and killing the shooter's.

"That's new." I say as as I try and run off to find the others, but I felt myself get more dizzy as I passed out due to lack of energy.

I wake up back on a bed, an oxygen mask over myself, I was in the school. Jeonghan’s and Sameul’s hands placed over both my wrists, glowing.

“Are you okay?” Jeonghan asked once he noticed I was awake, brushing my hair out of my face.

“Your freezing cold.” He said placing his back palm against my forehead, as he pulled the mask off my face.

“Well I have ice powers so I would hope I’m cold.” I grumble as Sameul helped me sit up.

“What happened back at the school?” He asked as I titled my head in confusion, I tried to recall what happened but it was all fuzzy.

“What do you mean?” I ask confused.
“I don’t remember anything happening?” I say and the 2 look at eachother in shock.

"Well tell you later, right now get some rest." Jeonghan said.

Children Vin x Seventeen Where stories live. Discover now