Thirty Four

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Dk groaned at bright light shined through the slim curtains, nearly blinding his eyes.

"I wanna sleep forever." Dk hummed as he rolled to his side. But he rolled too far, and landed on the floor? "What the?" He groaned as he rubbed his head.

Joshua was supposedly right next to him on the couch last night. Matter of fact, where was the angel? And Seungkawn, and Jeonghan?

Woozi was the only one he could find. "Woozi!" Dk shook the older by his shoulder. "Yah hyung! Wake up!"

"What do you want?" Woozi mumbled as he rubbed his eyes tiredly. Once he realized the 2 of them where alone, his eyes snapped open, fully awake.

“Seokmin? Where are the other 3?” Woozi asked as Dk . “I didn't know they were gone when i woke up.” Dk said worriedly.

"Do you think they are at breakfast?" Woozi asks looking at the messy blankets around them. "No it's too early for the hall to be open."

They turned to hear a loud pecking at the window. “Is that a fucking dove?” Woozi gawked as Dk opened the window.

“They are good messengers.” Dk said as the dove landed on his finger as him and Dk seemed to communicate with the bird.

“Kwan kidnapped the angels…” Dk trailed off.

"I'm sorry SEUNGKWAN DID WHAT?!" Woozi gasped as he threw the blanket off his body as he shot up off the couch.


“Seungkwan I don’t know what you think we are planning but I assure it’s not-” Joshua was cut off when Seungkwan growled deeply at them.

“Hush my loves now don't you lie. Karma's got a way of making things right.” Seungkwan smirked as he covered their mouths with tape.

Seungkwan locked them in a small unknown staff office. “I might look sweet but I don't play nice.” He smirked, running his tongue over his fangs.

“What in pumpkin spices name are you doing?” Dk asked throwing open the door and pulling Seungkwan away. Somehow that dove led the 2 to where Seungkwan was

“Putting an end to this war bullshit, it’s obvious the angles are planning some sort of war!” Seungkwan yelled.

“How would you know that?!” Dk yelled back. "How and why would these 2 discuss wanting to start a war?!" He added.

“I can hear them talking in my sleep!” Kwan fired back as Woozi pushed past him to untie the 2 angels.

“How?! You're a deep sleeper!” Was the first thing Jeonghan said once his tape was off.

“It's called high hearing wolf ears and that I got one eye open while I'm listening.” Seungkwan snarled, and by now the other 10 boys were outside listening.

“Kwan it’s okay lets just go sit down and figure this out, you're not thinking straight.” Vernon said.

“NO!” Kwan screamed. “They think that they know me, that they got me figured out. But they don't know anything that I am about.” Seungkwan growled, he truly felt like he was going mad.

“Secrets aren't safe, keep them to yourself.” Seungkwan said. “You hear that?! To yourself and nobody else.” He yelled at them his eyes glowing bright purple.


“LOOK AT YOURSELF!!” Seungkwan groweld.

“I CAN’T I’M A VAMPIRE!!” DK hissed his eyes glowing red.

Seungkwan was already mad as he transformed into a wolf and jumped onto DK. He had Dk pinned the ground in a second because of his strength but Dk swiped his long and sharp nails as he made a deep scratch on his face.

That made Vernon mad as he shifted into a wolf and charged at Dk, but before he could get there The8 hissed as he swiped at Vernon.

Meanwhile Dk picked up Seungkwan and threw him out the window.

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