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"Wake up."

Ok so it was around 11pm and I was shook awake by Sameul. "What the hell Samuel, do you see the time?" I ask and Sameul just smiles at me.

"Put something comfy on. We have 5 minutes!" Sameul whisper shouted excitedly. Following the younger weird request. I change back out of pajamas into normal closes.

"Took you long enough." Seungkwan laughed as the 2 of us met up with the rest of the Werewolves.

"Feels good to be out of the damn uniforms." Dino says stretching his arms. And I got to admit, being in normal comfy clothes again feels nice.

"So where are we going?" I ask as Vernon unlocks one of the large

"Kālānæ. Also known as the stargate." Dino explains as one by one we climb out the window, the jump wasn't to high seeing we were only on the 2nd floor.

"Here let me." I says and with a wave of my hand, a ice slide appeared infront of us leading all the way down to the ground.

"THAT'S AWESOME!" Vernon whispers shouts as he slides down the slide, followed by Seungkwan, than Dino.

"You truly have a cool power." Sameul smiles as he slides down. I roll my eyes as I slide down, the slide melting away after me.

"Let's go, I wanna go before the stars leave." Dino says immpacetny we start the walk outside the campus grounds, thankfully it wasn't to far outside.

"Damn it, I forgot it rained." Vernon groaned apparently we needed to cross this completely flooded swamp, the disgusting mucky water was up past our ankles.

No way I was going to take my shoes and socks off. With a daring step I placed my foot over the water and when I stepped down, the water froze.

As I continued to walk the water underneath me turned to ice. "Ok that's it. Your officially one of the coolest people I've EVER MET!" Seungkwan exclaimed and Vernon pretended to be hurt.

"Ouch." Vernon gasps clutching his heart. With a soft laugh, we all continue on. We pass the swamp and make it to a large hill.

"Finally!" Dino squeals as he races to the top of the hill, Seungkwan and Vernon racing after him.

"Come on your going to love this!" Sameul says grabbing my arm pulling me to the top of the hill.

We all layed on our back and Vernon made us all make the ok symbol with our hand,👌 when you look through the hole... omg.

"Woah." I gasp as the whole sky erupted into a million galaxy colors, it was like looking into space itself.

I had never seen a full clear sky full of stars. You definitely don't get these back in the human world.

I don't know how long we spent star gazing, and I'm sure Seungkwan fell asleep at one point.

"Come on we should get back before it gets to late." Dino sighs as we all get up from our spots on the grass.

"That was amazing." I smile happily.

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