Thirty Six

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I had no idea how far or how long me and Sameul had been running but all I knew, was that Shinning Diamond Academy was on lockdown, probably because Zico told someone that we ran.

"It's going to getting dark and I dony. Know any place to crash for the night?" I ask running my hands through Samuel's fur. He nodded as he slightly changed direction and by a few minutes we found a place to rest.

Even though it was mid afternoon, we needed to rest and come up with a plan.
"How big is the magic relm?" I finally ask, breaking the silence, even if I was talking to a wolf.

Samuel shifts and sits next to me by a rock."Huge, just like the whole human world." Samuel said as I sigh and run my hand through my hair.

"We need a plan." I say as I look around the small cave. "Well we can't go back to the academy without ending up like the others, and plus we still need to get Vernon and Seungkawn." Sameul added.

"Omg! I forgot they got sent through a portal!" I gasp. "But we don't know where that portal leads too. We'd need to ask Mingyu." I add.

"Which means we need to get too Zico's headquarters and get our friends." Sameul said and I nodded slowly.

"I hope you know how to get there." I ask and Sameul nodded. "God I wish we had breakfast first before we decided to go to war and run away." I roll my eyes as 2 protein bars fall in my lap.

"I sleep with protein bars in my pockets." Sameul shurgged as he opened one of his own. I decided not to question why and just went with it.

We camped out with the cave for that day, only stepping out to explore some more, only because I didn't know the area surrounding us.

"Who would have known someone with ice powers could be so good at making a fire." Samuel as I places a few random branches into the fire I made.

"Ice powers got nothing to do with it." I sigh as I sit to the ground with a huff. "You ready for this?" I ask and Samuel shakes his head.

"I'm not the type to go do daring and adventurous things." Saneul mumbled. “My whole life I've been reading all these old books. All the legends and the myths, that all have a hero of some kind, there to save the day.” He says.

“Like the ones with Achilles and his gold. Hercules and his gifts. Spiderman's control. And Batman with his fists.”
"And clearly I don't see myself upon that list." He ruffled the back of his hair.

“But we need to help our friends.” I said placing my hand on his arm, our eyes meet as he smiles softly at me. "We can do this." I say and Samuel's smile only grew bigger and more confident.

“So where should we wanna go?” I asked, Samuel knew this land the best.
“How much you wanna risk?” Sameul asked jokingly.

“I'm not looking for somebody with some superhuman gifts.” I said strictly as I playfully pushing him away.

“What about some superhero or some fairytale bliss?” Samuel asked and I rolled my eyes.

“Just something I can turn to Somebody I can’t miss.” I said.

“I can work with that.” Samuel held out his hand and we shook on it, sealing our promise.

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