Sixty Six

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"I need someone to attack me." Jun said stepping into the middle. "Don't have to tell me twice." Seungkwan said picking up a large rock and chucked it.

Definitely not what Jun was expecting but at the last minute he held up his hand as the rock stopped mid air and with a snap of his fingers the rock went flying back at Seungkwan.

Thankfully Seungkwan was able to catch it and throw it over his shoulder before anyone actually got hurt.

"Power deflection. Takes someone's attack towards me and sends it right back at them." Jun said as Kevin wrote that down.

"Ok so mine is just fire punches." Hoshi said igniting his hand as he made a fist as the fire increased, the flames than traveled down his wrists towards his elbow.

Before it got up to his shoulder he closed his eyes as the fire shrunk down back towards his hand all the way until it was a tiny flame on his pinky, before he blew the flame out.

"Wonwoo?" Kevin asked as Wonwoo faced away from them and held up a finger signaling us too wait. "I realized black smokes comes out of my mouth when I try this so just wait." Wonwoo said.

The demon clamped a hand over his mouth as he shut his eyes. Black smoke poured out from his mouth through his fingers to the floor.

What shocked us was the smoke created 5 illusion copys of Wonwoo. "So I can now create illusions of myself, but when you hit one-" Wonwoo said smacking one of them on the shoulder as it disappeared.

"They're gone." Wonwoo said as I shot an ice blast at one, causing it to disappear.

"Very impressive Wonwoo! Woozi? You ready?" Kevin asked as Woozi nodded.

"So I can now shapeshift into other people and I don't know if I can adapt their powers yet." Woozi said before shifting into Seungcheol.

"Woah, talk about double trouble." Jeonghan said as Woozi shook his back causing a large set of wings to extract.

"Uhhh Seungcheol how do you fly?" Woozi asks as the wings start flapping causing him to lift off the ground, but it wasn't that graceful.

"Okay maybe we save that for another day." Kevin said as BM grabbed Woozi's foot and pulled his too the ground before he got too high into the air.

"Okay next up us DK."

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