Thirty Three

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All 15 of them returned back to their class through portals from the human world.

"What happened to you 5?" The professor asked pointing to team 3 who smelled heavily of gas and blood.

"Someone decided to attack the outlet in paris so we had to help." Jun answered as he wiped the smoke powder on his pants.

"Go shower my nose can't take the smell." Seungkwan fake gagged as he plugged his nose to block the smell. "Same the blood is nauseating." Dk plugged his nose too.

While the 5 retuned to their rooms to go shower the professor asked the others about their trips.

"Vin what's with the red mark?" The professor as they all turn to me with wide eyes, Jeonghan immediately placed a hand over my cheek as I felt all of the pain disappearing.

"Some human really tried to fight me over an album, he got kicked out though and I still got the album." I smirk.

"Anything bad happen to you guys?" The professor asks hopefully as she turned to team 1. Which caused Seungkwan to give them a peice by peice of their day.

Jeonghan caught on and talked about the cute little girl and nice old man, who they exchanged contact info with.

When team 3 came back Jeonghan and Samuel had to clean up their wounds, Jun had a slight cut on his palm and Hoshi has a few bruises around his leg from kicking a bomb away.

"Thank you guys for helping out." The professor smiled at the 5 of them who bowed in return. "In thanks, I'll treat you all to sundaes from the cooks." The professor said.

"THANK YOU!!" The boys shout in joy as they all raced off to the cafeteria, only to realize the door was locked. So they all crashed into the door and fell backwards.

"I should have filmed that." The professor laughed.

After ice cream and a slight dinner all the boys went back to the rooms their groups were assigned too.


It was the middle of the night when Seungkwan woke up, he was in wolf form which is probably why he was up at like 3 am.

He tried to fall back asleep but the sound of whispers filled the quite room. 'WHO is talking?!' He huffs quietly in his head.

It was Jeonghan and Joshua?!

"Really?" He whispers and he listened to their voices, wolf ears really came in handy here.

And from what her hear, the 2 were planning something. Normally Seungkwan would ignore it and go back to sleep, but something they said set him off.

He snapped.

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