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"THAT'S ENOUGH!" Junhui called out, absolutely down with this argument. "Jun, just don't. Your not any help." Joshua shot at him. Junhui looked at him, eyes blazing

Junhui slammed his hand on the ground as a black puff of smoke shot towards the bickering males. They are launched back into their seats, their mouths padlocked shut.

"I SAID THAT'S ENOUGH JOSHUA. Y'all can talk and have your powers back when I say so." Junhui said as the 95 angels glared at the Demon. Who calmly sat down, like that didn't just happen.

"WHAT. WAS. THAT?!" I gasp looking around for an explanation. "Well since these princess over here can't talk, I guess I'll start with the introductions." Junhui smirked at the Angel's who just yelled muffled protests.

"My name is Wen Junhui, call me Jun. I'm a line 96, and Demon. And my power cursing people. Which does come in handy." Jun says motioning to the muted members.

"Well since I was spared of the curse. I'll go, my name is Kwon Soonyoung, call me Hoshi. My power name is 'JELLYFISH' which is weird because I'm a demon and my powers are fire, and fire hurricanes." Hoshi said.

His eye mark was a white moon with red dusted around it, his mark seemed to have a silver sparkle to it.

With a wave of Jun's hand, Wonwoo's pad lock flew off. "Thanks, anyways my name is Jeon Wonwoo and my power is Fear." He says sitting back down. A completely different personality than Hoshi. Wonwoo's mark was red on the inside fading to black, with what looks like blood splashes.

Jun also removed Jihoon's padlock and the older was going to fight back, only to realize his powers were gone aswell. "My name is Lee Jihoon, call me Woozi I guess, I'm line 96 and a demon. My powers is nightmares." He smiled and sat down.

Woozi's mark was black with red and black veins running along the top of his eye lid. I don't know what but something about his smile held an evil tint to it.

"Hi! I'm Lee Seokmin, call me Dokyeom or Dk for short. I'm a line 97, and a vampire. My power is Animal control!" The boy smiled. Compared to the last 2 lines he seemed more happier.

"Yo! My name is Kim Mingyu, Line 97, Vamp and my powers are what called the unusual abilities. Unusual strength, unusual speed, vision ect ect." Mingyu smiled showing off his very sharp fangs.

"Ok, let me give this a try, I'm not a hundred percent fluent in Korean, so bear with me. My name is Xu Minghao call me The8. I'm also a 97 liner, and a vampire and my power is too see into people's past and see through thier eyes." The8 said.

"Are you Chinese?" I ask and he nods. My smile increases. "I'm also Chinese!" I smile and he smiles along too. I'd hopefully I could talk too easier. All the 97 lines had golden flakes spread across their eye lids.

"Well my name is Boo Seungkwan, I'm a 98 line, and a werewolf! My power name is Boo babies." He said holding up his fists. "And my power is super strength." He smiled.

"Sol! Your next!" Seungkwan slapped Vernon in the back of the head. "Oh ok, my name is Hansol Vernon Chwe, just call me Vernon. I'm also a 98 liner and a werewolf. My power name is, this was Seungkwan's idea. My power name is the meme team. And my power is super speed.

"And my name is Lee Chan, call me Dino, my line is 99 and I'm a werewolf. My power name is Dinosaurs, and I hold the power of empathy and Telepathy!" Dino smiled, he definitely was a young bright soul.

"And I'm Kim Samuel, the used to be makanae of class Seventeen. I'm an 02 line, and a wolf. My power is healing strength. And the name is Garnet." Sameul smiled.

Jun then removed the pad locks on the Angel's. "Thank you. My name is Choi Seungcheol, I'm an angel and line 95. And the eldest hyung in this class. My power is flying and destructive white light." He said and I realised how seriously boring he is.

"My name is Yoon Jeonghan. The proud mother of half of these kids here. I'm also line 95 and an angel. My power is healing and Resurrecting." Jeonghan smiled, and let me tell you, he did look like an angel.

"My name is Hong Jisoo you can call me Joshua, if you wish. I'm the youngest of the 95 lines, and Seventeen's angels. My power is dream walking." He smiled.

For some reason, something seemed different about Joshua, it maybe the fact there is no way he's fully Korean, with those large cat eyes. Or the fact he's a gentleman, or he's just different from Seungcheol.

"Now that we know everyone, let's start class." The professor smiled.

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