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Being in class Seventeen was really exciting, the realization of actually being on the fast track to actually being sent back down to the human world as protectors by the end of the year was actually a thrill.

I was a little lost at first due to me joining the class late. But I had the wolves to help me out, which I was thankful for. I feared I'd be alone for the first days, due to my coldness I come off as rude.

After we were dismissed we were sent back to our door rooms and they would call us back down for dinner. I found out I'd be sharing a room with Sameul which I was grateful for.

He had already cleared out the left side of the room for me to unpack. And holy moly, these 'dorms' were practically apartments. They came with a full on kitchen, a small living room and a washing room.

"I can't believe we are less than 1 year away from possibly being chosen as protectors." I smile to myself, as Sameul agreed. Both of us being younger than 20 years old.

"Weird question but do you want milkshakes?" I ask and Sameul looks at me. "Of course I do! What kind of 'weird' question is that?!" Sameul laughs.

"Ok, well I'm going to need milk." I say looking in the fridge, I grab the carton and pour it into to large glasses. "Watch this, I learnt this when I was 12." I say as I place my hands around the glass.

Sameul watches in Awe as the glasses started to freeze, I finally removed my hands when the milk got to the consistency that I wanted.

"Here you are, one vanilla milkshake!" I smile as I hand him the glass. "That's so cool!" Sameul jumped around with a huge smile on his face.

However were interrupted by a door slamming and heavy footsteps. "JOSHUA STOP INTERFERING WITH MY DAMN DREAMS!" We hear Woozi yell. I open my front door the see a bright light woosh past us.

The 95 liners had flown past us, as Woozi chased after them with a guitar. "I'll see you in your nightmares you brat!" Woozi shouts at him.

"Hi guys, dinner will be out soon." Woozi smiled at us. We nooded and slowly backed up into our dorm. "You'll see that alot. Most of us like to give others a hard time with our powers, especially line 96." Sameul laughed.

Suddenly a large chime ring throughout the school. "That's the dinner bell, c'mon. Seungkwan, Dk, Mingyu, and most Woozi are probably already down there!" Sameul says we grab our shoes and run down to the cafeteria.

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