Forty Six

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"Who are you guys?!"

Apparently Jiacheng had a roommate, another human who hadn't learned about blessed kids. And apparently are arrival wasn't announced to him.

"Uhh were are new to town, sorry for intruding. But Jiacheng invited us to stay before we leave tomorrow." Seungcheol said.

"So you just let 15 random kids into our apartment?!" The other said to Jiacheng who was about to argue back when Jeonghan cut in.

"We are not some random kids! We are a family!" Jeonghan said linking his arm with Seungcheol. "I am Jeongand this is my lovely husband Seungcheol, our kids Dino, Vin and Samuel." He said.

"My brother Joshua. His husband Dk and their son Woozi. Those 2 are Seungcheol's brother Jun and Wonwoo." Jeonghan kept going with his little fantasy.

"Seungcheol's cousins Mingyu. Joshua's cousin The8. And my step nephews, Hansol and Seungkawn." Jeonghan concluded.

Jiacheng just sighed as we all face palmed. "Ok Jason don't freak out but these are blessed humans who just fought off all the gaurds at the sanctuary.

"I MADE UP THIS WHOLE FAKE FAMILY FOR NOTHING?!" Jeonghan yelled angrily as he yanked his arm out of Seungcheol's.

"So... okay I'm too tired to ask, enjoy your stay." Jason sighed as he left to go to his room. (Also Jason, is Jason Fu a participant on chao yin zhan ji. He was the Monkey king)

Jiacheng offered to let them sleep in his room while he would sleep on the couch

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Jiacheng offered to let them sleep in his room while he would sleep on the couch. But we denied and agreed on taking the floor and couches.

So that's how we spent the night.


"Jun, JUN wake up!" Joshua whispers yells as he shakes the demon awake. Jun opens one eye when he sees Joshua hovering over him.

"What?" Jun groans as he rolled to his side so his back was facing Joshua. "Let's go for a walk, we need to talk." Joshua said with a firm grip on Jun's shoulder.

"Joshua it's like 4am. Can't it wait till we get home?" Jun asks and Joshua shakes his head.

"We have no idea what may happen when we get back to the school. And plus if you go back to sleep, I can just bug you in your sleep." Joshua smirked as Jun got up.

The 2 silently walked down the street. Not even bothering to cover their Mark's or glowing eyes. They really didn't care.

Well until it was brought up.

Jun and Joshua where talking about Heaven and their recent fight, they sorted it out in their way they would say was figured out.

Until some couple came up to Joshua and literally asked if he was okay and safe. Joshua answered that he was fine and asked why they asked.

"Well your with a Demon, these creatures can be very dangerous and aggressive. As an angel you should stay away from them." The woman said.

Jun could only stare in shock as Joshua tried to reassure the couple that he was safe and that Jun was his friend and wouldn't harm him.

Jun rolled his eyes as he threw his hood on over his head as he walked faster up the street. "Jun wait!" Joshua yelled racing

"Jun wait-" Joshua said placing a hand on Jun's shoulder but Jun shoved him off and into the alleyway.

"Are you scared of me?" Jun asked quietly, staring at the ground. "Jun I-" Joshua started before getting shoved agaisnt the wall.

"ARE YOU SCARED OF ME!" Jun yelled his eyes pitch black, nails gripping the side of Joshua face as the angel was frozen in fear.

"Does this scare such a 'fragile angel' like yourself. Are you gonna call for help, cry out for a savior." Jun sneered.

"Jun stop." Joshua choked out, he was more worried than scared at this point. Jun didn't say anything else as he let go of Joshua and turned to walk away.

"Jun, I'm not scared of you. And you know that, your one of my bestfriends." Joshua said immediately back hugging the demon.

Jun kept quite but turned and hugged Joshua back.

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