Thirty Five

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Dino shifted as he howled, calling the rest of the wolves for help as he lept out the window after Seungkwan, Vernon following after.

I watched in shock as I saw all the other wolves, they were all twice the size of a real wolf.

"Mjngyu, portals. Now." The8 said to the older as Mingyu watched the wolf's from school gather on the field.

Mingyu’s eyes glowed gold as he opened portals, calling the rest of the vampires that he could call.

“Who would have guessed this morning turns into the fucking end fight from the final twilght.” Hoshi said standing alongside the wolves as the rest of demons joined him.

“I have been looking for quite the fight.”  Jeonghan said as him and the other angels stood with the vampire. They didn't even decide on choosing sides, or even fighting at all, they were all caught up in the moment.

“You two need to get out of here.” Jun says, grabbing both Sameul and me.
“Go. High.” Jun said as Sameul turned into a wolf and I climbed onto his back.

The second we ran off the fight started. Seungkwan jumped on the ground as the ground shook as everyone charged for each other.

No one died thankfully, everyone knew the death penalty, it rang in all of the back of their heads. But that didn't stop them from using their blessings.

 Right as Seungkwan charged for Mingyu, the vampire opened a random portal in defense and the8 round house kicked Seungkwan through.

Vernon saw and raced through and jumped after Seungkwan right before the portal shut.


"Oh my god! The kids are at war!" One of the teachers cried out in shock as she started out the window.

"Call Zico." The class seventeen professor said, her voice calm and even. All the other teachers stare at her in shock.

"That's too much don't you-" One of the teachers tried to reason with her but she glared at him. "CALL ZICO!" She yelled as the teacher grabbed a communicator.


"Who am I going for?" Zico asked, he was a prison guard officer, they only used him when it was necessary. Only because of how brutal and harsh he was.

"There is only 13 of them right now, that's them." The professor pointed out the Seventeen students to Zico.

He made his way to the battle field as his eyes darted across the field, and the first one he found was none other than Jeonghan.

A small disk formed in Zico's palm as he threw it like a frisbee right towards Jeonghan. It expanded and clamped around Jeonghan's neck as it threw him to the ground.

He gasped for breath as he clawed at the sudden collar "Ahhhhh what the hell!" Jeonghan screamed as he felt his angel be ripped away from his body.

"Jeonghan!" Joshua screamed ditching whoever he was fighting and ran to Jeonghan's side to try and help him.

Jeonghan's mark was gone and his blonde hair was replaced with brown roots. He looked human, because that's what he was.

That collar ripped away your blessings.

Zico threw a disk at Joshua as the other let out a choked out gasp. He struggled as his face scrunched up in pain as he collapsed right onto Jeonghan chest weakly.

"Jeonghan! Joshua!" Seungcheol yells flying too his 2 hurt friends.
However he caught Zico's eyes as a disk was thrown at him, which clamped around Seungcheol's neck, the force was enough to knock him out of the sky as he collapsed to the dirt with a yell.

"What is he doing?" I asked as Samuel as him and I watched Zico in horror from a high above ledge that towered over the school. "He's taking their blessings." Sameul whispered.
"That's horrid." I gasped.

"This is the only good thing about this. I have a feeling what's to come after is much worse." Sameul shuddered at the thought.

Zico threw 2 disks as he nailed Woozi and Hoshi. "Make it stop!" Woozi cried fell to his knees trying to take off the collar but every movement felt like ripping his skin off.

He also nailed Jun, Wonwoo, Mingyu and Dk. Dino locked eyes with Zico, he was in wolf form as he ran. Not so fast." Zico smirked as he shot a disk.

It immediately clamped around Dino's neck forcing him to shift. "No! No!" Dino cried out as he buried his face in the ground as the pain was harsh.

"Dino." Mingyu gasped as he tried stand to reach the youngest but was too weak so he had to drag himself.

Dino was still too young so, losing his wolf had to have been to much pain for him to bear so he tried his hardest to fight of the urge to pass out.

Unlike the others, The8 however put up a fight as he tackled Zico and tried to  wrestled him down. Zico pinned him down in seconds as he slammed a collar on him.

I had to look away as The8 screamed in pain as he felt his vampire be taken out of him.

Zico stood up as he watched all the now human's with collars. All the other students surrendered and returned  back near the school. He clicked a button and spoke "Walk." He ordered as all the Seventeen boys stood up painfully, and followed.

And at that exact moment me and Zico locked eye from a distance. I had no idea if he knew we were Seventeen students, but I wasn't going to stick around to find out.

"GO!" I yell to Samuel as he shifts and we run off farther away from the school.

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