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Apparently whatever Joshua had. He wasn't the only one who had it. Me and the makanae line were supposed to meet up for breakfast this morning.

Dino came into the dining hall last, looking like a zombie. (Do zombies even exist here?) But he couldn't even make it to the table before crash landing at the angels table.

"Uhhh can I help you?" Seungcheol asked as Dino sat right down on his lap. Confusing everyone around them.

"Your comfy." Dino whispered as he rested his head on Seungcheol's shoulder. "I mean your thighs are like thick pillows." Jeonghan shrugged poking Seungcheol's thighs.

"Not the freakin time Han. What's going on?" Seungcheol rolled his eye but held Dino closer nonetheless.

"Hmm I don't know. Are you feeling well Dino-ya?" Jeonghan asked pressing the back of his palm on agaisnt Dino forehead.

"Cheol he's buring up." Jeonghan said worriedly as Dino shifted uncomfortably again. "We should get him to the infirmary." Jeonghan says as Seungcheol sighed but nodded.

And after that Dino situation, it didn't get any better.


Woozi was next because during apparently he slept during the entire 1st period and was gonna keep sleeping if it wasn't for Jeonghan.

"What's up with you? You never cuddle?" Jeonghan asked as Woozi buried his face into the Angel's neck.

"I don't know. It's like someone drugged me or something." Woozi mumbled as he dragged his feet down the hall.

"You know, Dino was like this this morning. And Joshua is also out too. Maybe you got it too." Jeonghan said despite getting no answer.

"Welp I guess I'm going to be late to second period. Come on let's go to the infirmary." Jeonghan said dragging Woozi in the other direction.

Mingyu was the next one. He fell asleep in the library during his study hall. Wonwoo had to go get him and drag the demon to the infirmary aswell.

"I'm not sick!" Mingyu said nearly tripping over his feet when Wonwoo abruptly stopped. "Your skin is litterly on fire." Wonwoo said placing a hand on Mingyu's cheek.

"And now your red." Wonwoo sighed, thank goodness Wonwoo is oblivious. Because the redness definitely wasn't from the sickness.


"So what's going on with them all?" Samuel asks when we visited the 4 in the infirmary after lunch.

"It must have been some type of fluid got intertwined with their bloodstream from Zico's collars. The substance practically drugs you into a sleepy state. It also causes a inflammation on skin. Which is why their burning up. They should be out for the whole day and probably some tomorrow." The nurse said.

"So their gonna be okay?" Dk asked and the nurse nodded immediately. "Oh absolutely, they just need to sleep off the toxicants. Now you guys better head off to class. I'll right passes." She said heading back to her desk.

"Well good thing our new professor doesn't come until tomorrow." Vernon says and I nodd. "I still wonder who it is."

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