New Life

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Weeks had passed since New Year's Eve, and the night Luca took her. Within that time, Adele had learned a lot about Luca, like how he became Don of the German Mafia, because was passed to him by his father, Axel. She also learned his mother died by the hands of his father's enemies when he was four. Afterward, Axel decided not to marry because he feared no one could raise his son like he could or replace his wife. Somehow, Adele smelled bullshit. However, the result of that end with Axel having many whores as Luca puts it, but he refuses to have more children beside girl he adopted or took in as Luca describe it. His excuse was they were all he needed. It was sweet of him, but Luca felt if he had more, he either disown them or have them hidden away to keep them safe, which was smart in Adele's opinion.

However, the more they talked, the more Adele learned about Luca. He was sweet and sometimes gentle; his best friend was Erik, also his Capo. On top of that, he was the one who helped him kidnap her. Erik also had a wife named Mila and two children... Sophia and Ansel, which Dele had the pleasure to meet and play with whenever they were over. Mainly it was every day. Today she was to meet Luca's two cousins, Kellan, and Johan. They were his underboss and consigliere, his second and third in command. They were also there daily, but Adele had yet to meet them. She liked hiding away, but Luca suggested it was time for her to meet his family. Also, she was hiding her face, which Erik and Mila saw a few days after it happened. It pissed Erik off and caused him not to speak to her for two days as if it was her fault his friend was mad.

That was now behind them; she and Luca were getting along, especially after Dele realized she couldn't escape him. Plus, she was starting to like her new life. It was peaceful, and Dele finally had time to herself, although she did miss her little brother and patients. Today she was happy to be doing something other than looking at the same four walls daily since she rarely left the room. Happily, she finished her shower and dried herself before doing her morning routine. Once finished, she returned to the room, meeting Luca fully naked body while he searched the dresser. It was Dele's first time seeing him this bare and all of his tattoos. From what he told her, he was tatted all over beside his face and private parts, but damn, was he sexy.

"Didn't your parents teach you it was rude to stare, Schatz?" He spoke without turning around. Quickly Adele looked around the room, trying to wrap her head around how he heard her if she didn't make a noise. Plus, how did he know she was staring? "I-I don't know what you are talking about... what does that mean? You always speak to me in German as if I can understand you."

"First of all, you walk too damn heavy, and I heard when you stop—"

"I do not!" She yelled, making Luca chuckle as he pulled out a pair of boxers. "Says the one who thinks she's sneaking about. Sorry baby, but you're a heavy walker. Secondly, Schatz means sweetheart... and one more thing." He paused, turning to her. Adele couldn't help herself; she had to look, causing her to take a deep breath and fan herself. "Lord," she whispered. Luca was too damn sexy, and Dele didn't know whether to run to or from him.

"A-and what's that?" She finally spoke as she realized how close they were to each other. It was hard to tell was it her that moved or Luca, but before she knew it her back was against the wall her fingers lightly brushed across his chest. "Do you like what you see, Dele?" Luca seductively asked while letting his lips brush against her neck.

"Because I love what I see," He said as he swiftly turned Adele to face the wall pulling off her towel while pressed against her. Dele took a deep breath allowing Luca to kiss her neck as she leaned into it. She was trying her best not to give in to her thoughts but failing horribly. Luca was too close to her, and she was horny; apparently, he was too because she felt his package against her back.

"I asked you a question, Schatz. I expect you to answer it." She was trying, but Adele couldn't think straight. Luca was fucking with her body by kissing her neck while his hands roamed her body. After what he did to her, Dele should hate him. She couldn't understand how he could make her feel this way. Adele barely knew him; still, Luca had her hot and bothered... She wanted him. Dele wanted all of him. However, all her thoughts stopped when Luca's hand wrapped around her neck as he pushed her against the wall with his body. His hand when straight to her breast while he continued to kiss and suck on her neck.

Abducted By Lust *Book 1 of the Köhler Series*Where stories live. Discover now