Payback (Part 3)

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"Did you miss me?" Charles couldn't believe his eyes. What he was seeing couldn't have been true. She was dead... or did she pull one over on him? Maybe he put his faith in the wrong children, but there was no way he was about to let her ruin what he had. So, he quickly tried to shut the door, but the tall man beside her caught it before he could.

"Now, now Charles, is that how you supposed to treat your dead daughter?

"I don't know what type of sick joke you are trying to play—"

"Oh, will you shut the hell up, you sad piece of shit! Face it, Charley, you lost at your own game. Mom, do you want the honor, or should I?" Adele asked, forcing Barbra to look up. Charles could see the anger boiling in her eyes when she noticed the bruises on her Mother's face, and before he knew it, the crazy girl was beating him with a bat. Rose laughed in the background while his wife stood there and watched. On the other hand, Charles wasn't about to lay there and take her crap. So, he quickly grabbed the bat, trying to take control until the man with her, hand met his face.

"Your days of beating your wife or my Liebe are over. If you think about trying to fight back, I won't hesitate to kill your ass. Barbra, why don't you have a turn? Show him you are in control now."

"You won't fucking dare! She knows better!" Charles spat as his wife stared at the bat and then at him. He knew she had more sense than to listen to a man she barely knew and a daughter who abandoned her, but he was wrong. Barbra slowly reached for the bat and quickly took a swing. She was aiming to kill him while everyone around him laughed.

"Fuck up his face as he did yours— tell me, Charles, how does it feel to have the shit beat out of your ass? Because I can tell you it feels great to me." Adele spoke as she kicked him repeatedly when another person joined in on their fun. To Charles's surprise, it was Jacob, and the boy swiftly held him down while Barbra and Adele beat him.

"What is the meaning of this Adele? I only did what I needed to make you into the woman you were before you disappeared. Why would you let us morn for you? I'm your Father and a father's love runs deep."

"Are you serious right now? Your fatherly love was to beat me and then throw me in the basement like I was your pet. You don't love me, just like you don't love my Mom. She was your money cow, and then you tried to murder me to get more. Now look at you, broke and beaten." She laughed, hitting him again. This was unlike Adele. Charles had her terrified of him... but the woman standing before him wasn't the one he raised. She was strong and had more confidence. However, the man with her seemed to be getting some type of enjoyment.

"Who are you, and why the fuck are you with the little slut?" Charles questioned as the man smirked and pulled Adele to his side with a kiss. "Liebe, this man called you a slut. He must not know who you are. Should we tell him?"

"You should be the one that tells him, Mein Mann. (my husband)." Charles didn't understand why she was so happy, but it was clear that she was sleeping with the man, which meant she was probably his little pet. Men like him didn't settle for one woman. It was funny to see how dumb the little bitch was, especially to think someone wanted her. However, the man chuckled as he pulled a gun that was tucked in the back of his jeans and placed the shiny piece of metal to his head.

"I can tolerate a lot of things, but talking down on my wife isn't one of them." Charles quickly cocked a brow; there was no way he married Adele. The woman was useless, and he made sure of it. "Why so surprised, Charles? Ah, I see you tried your damnest to make her feel worthless, but I made her see she was worth the moon, the stars, and everything above. With that being said, disrespect my wife again, and I'm putting a fucking bullet through your head."

"Damn, I didn't think it was possible. You finally found a man who wants you, or were you just that desperate?" He laughed as his wife scoffed while Jacob handed her the bat. Barbra must have felt brave because she hit him a few times in the back. "Wow, you're trying to grow some balls, Barb. Maybe I should show you who the boss is again." Charles spoke as he quickly grabbed her arm, which was a bad idea because Adele crazy ass shot him in the shoulder.

Abducted By Lust *Book 1 of the Köhler Series*Where stories live. Discover now