What's done is done (Part 2)

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Slowly Adele opened her eyes as she came face to face Luca's back tattoo staring back at her. Her head was pounding, while her memories of how she ended up in bed were a little foggy. The last thing she remembered was the cold metal gun in her grasp as her memories slowly crept back up. She killed someone. The man in front of her forced her to take someone's life. Adele sat up swiftly, trying to gain control of her feelings when she felt the need to throw up as she quickly ran to the toilet, emptying her stomach. After she wanted to scream, kick, and beat the fuck out of Luca for what he made her do, but she knew it wouldn't solve a thing. Instead, she brushed her teeth then got into the shower where she eventually broke down.

Adele hated herself... she killed someone. Someone that was innocent in her eyes. He didn't deserve what happened to him, but this was her life now. It wasn't like she never thought about killing before. When she was younger, she had thoughts of killing her family. The things they put her through were hell, but she wanted to show them she was better than them. After growing up, she made it a point to help others stop and let animals cross the road if she could. Dele became a doctor to save lives. She never wanted that side of her to come out, but last night her morals broke. She watched the life leave someone's eyes because Luca didn't want his men to see him look weak. This was uncalled for. Why would people want to live their lives this way and why did it feel satisfying?

"FUCCK!" Adele hit the glass door as she screamed. "The only thing he did was answer a damn question. A question you asked. If you didn't want to hear the truth. Why ask?" Adele questioned herself. She tried to understand Luca's logic, but nothing added up. Dele was lost to the world; tears flowed down her face as she continued asking herself why which caused her not to notice Luca step into the shower. Gently, his strong arms wrapped around her waist, pulling her to his body.

"I'm sorry—"

"GET THE FUCK OFF ME, LUCA!" For a moment she felt safe in his arms, but Adele was pissed and didn't want Luca touching her. Neither did she want to look at him, but she knew Luca wasn't leaving. "You're upset, I know, but what's done is done, Schatz. We cannot take it back."

"You think I don't know that?! YOU MADE ME DO THIS, LUCA! YOU MADE ME KILL! YOU DID! Did you even think about what this may do to me? Huh? How would I feel taking someone's life? Answer that. Did you think about that?" She spoke, pointing her long nail into his chest as Luca nicely grabbed her hand, kissing it.

"No— no, I didn't because either way, you would have to choose to kill one day or be killed. Therefore, I don't regret it. I did what I thought was right, Adele. Soon you will understand this life isn't what you are used to."

Adele's head tilted to the side as she pushed away from Luca with a frown. "YOU, STUPID FUCK!" She screamed, hitting him in the chest. This wasn't a game or a lesson she needed to be taught. He had her kill... she killed an innocent man, and it was nothing to Luca. At least he could have made her kill someone that deserved it. All her anger came out, and Luca only stood there, letting her hit his naked chest as she cried and screamed about how much she hated him until she fell to her knees.

Luca, on the other hand, never walked away. He even kneeled to her, and he pulled Adele into his arms. "Come here, Schatz." He whispered, kissing the side of her head. She didn't care how mad she was, Dele needed someone to hold her, and it felt so damn right and calming. She could've stayed like this forever, but it ended once Luca stood them up, causing her to look into his eyes as he spoke.

"I'm sorry I caused you to go against your morals. I want you to know that, but I don't regret what had to be done meine Liebe." Adele nodded, but this didn't make things better. "I understand, but it hurt... it hurt me to my core to take a life. I know it's something I must get used to, but it should've been on my terms Luca and someone that deserved it."

Abducted By Lust *Book 1 of the Köhler Series*Where stories live. Discover now