Then There Were More

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Luca didn't take long to doze off, but it was harder for Adele. She thought she could get that night off her mind if she worked on something else. For a moment, she thought solving the mystery of who Luca's mom was would help after Gabby showed up on their drop, but that was only a band-aid over her pain. Days later, Dele's mind wandered back to Liam and the way he died, and then her world was crushed once again when his parents decided not to have a funeral. Everything seemed so wrong, and it all piled on her at once. Adele wanted to find Mila and the man who raped her to put an end to them both. She wanted everything to work out for Luca and his mother. Too much was going on, and it had her mind running a thousand miles per hour. So, instead of sleeping, Adele watched Luca's handsome face sleep as she traced his tattoos by memory. He was her canvas... her sexy canvas, and he was all hers, but eventually, she found herself dozing off into a deep sleep until Luca's phone started to ring.

"Luca, your phone is ringing," He was usually up by five in the morning, but today it was different. Luca was in one of those sleeps where it was hard to wake him. They had stayed up half the night talking about his mother and how he enjoyed talking to her. Then, he was excited about his little sister. The two were getting along well, which caused Adele to miss her little brother a lot more. She only hoped he was getting treated well. However, Luca's phone continued to ring, and it looked like it wasn't going to stop or answer itself. So, Adele took it upon herself to reach over her sleeping husband and quickly answered his phone.

'Hello?' For a long moment, no one said a thing, but Dele could hear the person breathing and something moving in the background. From the sound of it, it was a child, and they were whining, and whoever was on the line acted as if they were scared to speak until a young girl's voice finally cracked through.

'Ist Luca da? (Is Luca there).' Adele didn't know what to think, especially with Luca's little sister popping up suddenly. Then, they learned he was half black, but Adele didn't try to overthink it. The little girl sounded scared, which meant she was calling Luca for a reason. So, she sat up quickly, trying to shake her husband awake.

'May I ask you your name?' Adele spoke calmly, but it seemed to make the girl freeze momentarily as she thought about her words.

'I'm sorry, Mrs. Köhler, I do not speak good English.'

'Dann werde ich Deutsch sprechen. (Then I will speak German).' Again, the young girl went silent as Adele listened to the background noise. She could hear another small child crying in the background while the girl tried to keep them quiet.

'Es tut mir leid, dass ich Sie beunruhige, Mrs. Kohler, aber meine Mama sagte, ich soll Luca anrufen, wenn ihr etwas passiert. Mein Daddy hat meine Mama und getötet und mein kleiner Bruder ist seit Tagen weg. Wir sind hungrig und kalt. Ich wusste nicht, was ich sonst tun sollte, nachdem ich die Polizei rief, aber sie kamen nie. Ich-ich habe Angst, können Sie uns bitte helfen? (I'm sorry to worry you Mrs. Kohler, but my mama told me to call Luca if something happens to her. My daddy killed my mama and left me and my little brother by ourselves he's been gone for days. We are hungry and cold. I didn't know what else to do, after I call the police, but they never came. I-I'm scared can you please help us?).'

Adele didn't know what to think. It could have been a trick, but a cruel person would have a child do something like this. Plus, the little girl sounded scared; there was no faking that, but her mind kept running back to Mila. What if this was a way to get them out of the house to attack them, but this was a child? No matter what, Adele had to make sure they were okay as she turned back to Luca, shaking him again.

'Okay, Süße, ich brauche deinen Namen. Kannst du mir das bitte sagen? (Okay, sweetie, I need your name. Can you tell me that please?).' Dele asked as he realized she was getting nowhere with Luca. So, she decided to slap his chest, causing the man to rise quickly, looking over at her like she lost her mind. "What the fuck Adele? That shit hurts!" Besides responding, Adele pointed at the phone as she placed it on speaker.

Abducted By Lust *Book 1 of the Köhler Series*Where stories live. Discover now