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"Why are you wearing a suit? " Nara who was busy arranging the champagne took a glance at Minho who's wearing a black suit. "You don't need to go to that extend Mr Minho."

"Never mind I'll say I work here and approach her. What was the name again? "

"Taerin. Kim Taerin. Careful don't embarrass yourself." Minho nodded it's not like his first time flirting with women Nara is extra worried tonight he thought. "The Kim Corporation is here! " one of the club staffs shouted. They all panicked but the thing is there's nothing to panicking about.

Minho looked at them in confusion. "Stop panicking." he whispers.

They all bow to the respective client including Minho. "There she is. " Nara whispered back, pointing at a girl with long silky straight hair, have a little bit of curl at the end of it. She's tall and slim wearing a red knee length dress that looks perfect on her. She walked with elegance and clasiness. Her outfits probably worth his one month salary Minho thought. Her smooth and fair skin, her plump lips and daring eyes explains how wealthy she is. Is it even possible for someone to look that good naturally? Minho shook his head.

Just thinking about the wealth makes Minho shakes because, it's right infront of him, he just need to think wisely.

They are served with foods and the most expensive champagne at the club. "Go now Minho. " Nara handed Minho a bottle of champagne asking him to approach the heiress who looks gloomy. She looks like not in the mood while everyone is laughing and screaming partying like crazy, she sits at the corner rolling her eyes.

Minho coughs and approach her slowly.

"Champagne? " Minho take a seat next to her. She turn her body asides not wanting to face Minho. She feels really annoyed at the moment.

"Sorry I don't drink. " She rejected coldly which makes Minho grinned in frustration. It's going to be hard he thought. "You look sad. Anything to talk about? Why aren't you partying like others? "

"Why are you talking so much? We don't even know each other? Aren't you a worker here or something? If yes then please do your work serve the staffs. You're being a busybody. " she rolled her eyes. She's very cold, barely giving him any chance to talk to her. Minho feels slightly mad but still manage to smile. Come on, he need to strive and deal with her annoying ass because of her wealth. That's just the beginning. She will be head over heels for him anytime soon.

Minho turn around and he saw Dahyun. Shit he mumbled. Dahyun can't see him here or else the plan will be ruined. "Who's that? " Minho pokes Taerin, pointing to Dahyun.

"You don't know the etiquette don't you? Asking stranger who's who? " She yelled slowly. Minho feels like screaming, he placed his hands on his chest trying to calm himself.

Money, Minho money.

"Anyway I'm Lee Know. " Minho smiled.

"I know you won't care but you will someday. Night, Kim Taerin. " Minho smirked as he stood up. Taerin look at him in confusion. How does this man, knows her name?

Minho walked away fastly trying to avoid Dahyun who's laughing loudly it's like that's not her. She's probably drunk from drinking too much. "Where are you going? " Nara who is holding a tray full of glasses stopped Minho as he walked.

"Out. It's not the great timing. Anyway you see that girl over there? " Minho pointed at Dahyun, Nara nodded and asks him why.

"Ask her why she's here. Please I'm counting on you. "


"Thank you Nara! " Minho shouted as he quickly went outside.


Minho stares at his design that he completed it overnight he could say, he poured all of the bits idea inside of his brain to design the interior of Kim Corporation. He stayed overnight after he's back from the club yesterday just to complete the design the earlier he sent it the better.

He sighed as he recalls yesterday. Why would Dahyun be there? If not he can talk to Taerin longer even though she seems not to be interested. He checks on his phone waiting for Nara to call him to talk about yesterday's night.

Call from Nara.

He smiled widely.

"Any good news babe? "

"Babe my ass and yes. I asked Taerin herself yesterday. "

"She talked to you? "

"Of course! She's very nice Minho but I think she's being cold to you because you seems like 'those' guys. "

"I'm not like 'those' guys whatever you say Nara tell me the news. "

"Dahyun is her cousin! "

"Cousin? Right, Kim Dahyun...it makes sense. Oh my God why does it have to be her!" Minho yelled slowly.

"Instead of seeing it as a threat, see it as a chance Minho please use your godly thinking brain. Alright I got work to do talk to you later. "

Nara ended the call. Minho closes his eyes tightly not believing what he heard just now and now what would be his next move? But why is Dahyun working in this company she could've worked with them instead. It's a waste not using your family's wealth. Kim Corporation's assets and worth are very, amusing.

"Stop spacing around Minho. " Mr Nam tapped his shoulders. Minho sit up straight and nodded. "Oh? Designing for Kim Corporation?" Minho nodded again and smile.

"Good. I hope it will turn out good later at the presentation with the company. " Minho rounded his eyes. Presentation? By any chances, could it be possible Taerin would be here as well?

"Presentation? "

"As expected you never want to listen when I talk. We are having a presentation with Kim Corporation next week after the deadline. They will sort out the best before making the final decision. It's a good thing the choose our company. I'm counting on you and another designer as well. Do your best. " Mr Nam patted his back and leave him. Minho moves his mouth forming the shape circle.

He was amused truly amazed by their power and influence.

"Kim Taerin. I hope you wont be that dumb though. " Minho smirked.

"Minho!" Minho was shocked hearing someone yelled her name and of course, it was Dahyun. Minho smiled. He should treat her nicely just because, she has connections with Taerin. "I heard that we will be team up again for the upcoming project! I'm looking forward to work with you. " Dahyun grinned.

What project? Minho sighs what know why does people keep on coming his way when he was about to start. "Really what project? " Minho, acting fake as usual showing interest in talking with Dahyun. "A project at Itaewon. For a gallery space. "

"I see alright I'll wait for the further announcement from Mr Nam. " Dahyun nodded and leave Minho.

Minho rubs his face. When is he going to be rich in a blink of an eye? Working is so stressful plus being bossed around. Got people yelling at him. He's just not made to work under control and pressure he hated that.

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