35. Butterflies

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Taerin decided to go on a holiday with Minho since they rarely get to see each other because of work.

"Look. So pretty. " Taerin took some photos, admiring the sea view. "You're prettier. " Minho said, taking a short glance at amazed Taerin as if she hasn't been out of the dungeon for 10 years.

"Said that to other 1000 girls huh? " Taerin nudges him.

"Kind of."

No offense that kind of hurt but okay Lee Minho.

"Should we take a walk there?" Minho said, pointing at the beach. Taerin feels kind of weird because Minho is extra, soft and kind today. He's also very smiley not like what he used to treat her initially. Taerin just nod her head fast, giving him a light smile.

Without any hesitation, Minho hold her hands tight and they walked together. That really caught her off guard. She feels like all her blood already rushes to her face. She feels like exploding, Taerin's heart rate feels abnormal. She can't even look at Minho at the moment.

Taerin you're better than this. Kim Taerin don't do anything stupid.

Taerin shut her eyes tight feeling about to die. She can't stand getting a real sweet treatment from a man called Lee Minho. He's so beautiful.

"Taerin your hands are cold. " Minho rubs her hands with his thumb, chuckling at how cute Taerin react. "Are you, perhaps nervous? " The male tease her. Taerin shook her head fast but still can't hide the fact that her face is turning super red like it can boil a packet of ramen.

"Go over there let me take a picture of you. " Minho pointed to the place.

"Gosh I look so tall

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"Gosh I look so tall. " Taerin giggled.

"Only in pictures but in real life you're just a tiny baby. " Minho nudges her.

"Minho are you perhaps, ill?"

Minho squint his eyes and let out a small chuckle. He shook his head and smile. "Taerin. " Minho called out her name, loving it when she's super shy being around him.

"Taerin.  Kim Taerin. " Minho poked her repeatedly.

Minho turns his gaze to the sea, "Ouch. " Taerin yelled rubbing the back of her head. He take a look at Taerin who just got hit by a ball.

"Hey I'm sorry. " A man with only shorts come up to both of them, collecting the ball. His body was toned with abs, honestly just what every girls dreamed for.

"Are you alright Miss? " the man tried to touch Taerin's head but Minho pulled her closer.

"I get it you can play volleyball here but please be careful. Babe are you alright? " Taerin's eyes rounded hearing the word babe. 

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