Special Chapter

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Life has been so good lately, Taerin is happy with her life everything is just going on so well no hassle, no annoying people, not that much worries. It's just all good even too good to be true to describe. They left the city since their first child, Lee Minji was born. Taerin and Minho both thought it will be a good idea to live at Boseong. It's quite far from Seoul but they like it. Taerin can visit her grandfather's garden almost everyday. She's currently managing the café near it which was owned by her grandfather, it was passed to her after he passed away but this is the only time she can manage it since she was busy with Kim Corporations.

Now that Kim Corporation has shut down their operation because of the fraud, Taerin get to work at the café. Taerin thought it was a good idea to close it down, too controversial her mom and her brother couldn't even manage it for the moment. Minho opened his own designing company not far from the café so he can always visit Taerin during work. It's crazy how love works.

Mr Kim? He's nowhere to be found after he was released. Taerin hasn't visited him yet. Her heart aches too much although Minho allowed her to meet him because he's still her father, but it's still too hard to accept.

"Mrs Lee, it's lunch time. You have been working since morning you shall take a break." One of her staffs tap her back. Taerin smiled and nodded. She wipe her hands and quickly went to grab some food she sat at the back. "Mommy!" Taerin smiled as she saw Minji walks in, her 5 year old daughter. "Minji? Where did you get this from?" Taerin asked as she take Minji on her lap, holding the things on her hands it was a pack of nuts covered with chocolates. "Daddy bought this for me I forced him." Minji laughs, Taerin couldn't help but to chuckle. She looks cute with her yellow kindergarten uniform.

She does take that after me though, she thought.

"Hey." Minho greeted them, smiling showing his eye smile he take a seat in front of Taerin eyeing the foods she's having. "You're just having a slice of cake again for lunch?" Minho asked, putting his briefcase on the chair next to him. Taerin nodded, saying she doesn't know what to eat anymore. "Hey you're missing Seoul foods right?" Minho teased her, poking her arms. Taerin quickly shook her head playing with her cake. "I miss Uncle Jeongin." Minji said, as Taerin feed her some of the cake. "You miss uncle Jeongin?" Minji nodded as she munch the cake, she's too cute.

She got his eyes and smile. Taerin couldn't help but to laugh it's like the same exact copy of Minho. "Mommy will try to call uncle Jeongin and ask him to come is that okay? We can't go to Seoul sweetheart, both mommy and daddy are busy with works." Taerin said, sounding so soft avoiding making their daughter to feel offended. "Hmm okay but I want Grandma to come as well. Both grandmas and uncle Felix. Can I get auntie Chaeyoung as well?" Minji ordered as she eyed Minho helping her to unwrap the chocolates. "Oh okay daddy will try to call them for you okay princess? But you need to eat first. What do you want to eat? I'll get them for you." Minho smiled.

"Anything is fine as long as mommy feeds me." She answered back.

Minho couldn't help but to giggle at her cuteness, he nodded before walking away.

Minho and Taerin set up a barbeque party at the backyard of their house it's so much better here in Boseong it's just soothing, facing the ocean it's really fascinating. Their families are eating so good not to mention Minji being excited around the guests, she's excited to see both of her grandmas she has been jumping around excitedly. "She's so excited." Taerin nudges Minho taking a piece of sausage from the grill placing it on her plate. "Of course she looks like you when she's excited." Minho said. Eomma then come up walking towards both of them, taking the lamb pieces she's smiley while eyeing Minji running around with Felix and Jeongin it looks like they are the same age. "She's so happy." Eomma mumbled.

"Have any other plans to give her a new friend?" she chuckled.

Both Minho and Taerin choked on their food but Minho managed to pat Taerin's back since she choked a little too harder than him he quickly handed her the water. Minho swallow the food it was hard since it suddenly feels like his throat is tightening up. "I don't know yet it's up to Taerin it's her body." Minho answered, patting his own chest slowly. Eomma just nodded, laughing at their reaction. "Take it easy." She continued.

Taerin then slightly hit his thighs, feeling embarrassed of what just happened. "I was just answering her curiosity."

"Come here." Minho tap his lap, teasing her. She quickly shakes her head but he pulled her over placing her on his lap bringing her close, he sniffs her strawberry scented hair she panicked. "Minho what are you doing they might see us." She hit him lightly but he keep on placing his nose, sniffing her hair, wrapping his arms around her body making Taerin struggle to move.

"Can you guys calm down? There's a lot of people here geez." Felix said as he put 5 sausages on his plate. "Get a room." He continued before walking away, giving Minji some of the sausages he took.

"Minho please you're embarrassing me." Taerin's face turns red as she felt the hug tighten.

"Uh, Taerin I'm having a fever." He whined, placing his chin on her shoulders.

"Stop lying."

"I'm not. I'm having a baby fever." He continued, then laugh because he realised how cringey that was.

"Your problem." She sticks her tongue out as she ran away from him walking towards Minji who's laughing so loud while playing with Jeongin.

Minho couldn't help but to smile at the sight of his family.

I have my own family, they are happy. He thought. After all the struggles he went through alone and with Taerin he could finally be able to smile like he used to once upon a time. He couldn't thank his wife enough for that. For making him happy and the presence of Lee Minji adds the sweetness in their marriage, relationship.

hehe thank you for reading <333 leave feedbacks at the comment please uwu.

safe to say that....im working on book 2 for this!!! i'll release them soon so do follow me for more updates about book 2 yezz ;)

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