62. that hurts

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Taerin slowly open her eyes, her body felt sore due to her sleeping while sitting on a chair. She sighs, she really can't do anything as they took all of her belongings it's just her, and her baby. She could feel her stomach growling, hasn't eaten anything since yesterday.

"Mommy is sorry you must feel hungry right? I cant find any food." Taerin said, she couldn't rub her tummy this time as they tied her hands.

Taerin's eyes panned on the door as it was slowly pushed revealing the tall unknown figure walking towards her slowly, tossing the bread in hands next to her. The figure tossed his mask around, Taerin was shocked to see it.

"Seungyoun? Just move on please. Sike. Why are you doing this to me?" she shouted half crying.

"No." He pulled her hair releasing it back. "I love you a lot. Why are you still with that man? You were planning to meet him right? Hahaha I guess I was fast." He said, lighting up a cigarette, duck next to her. He blowed the smoke to her causing Taerin to cough. "Don't do that. I'm pregnant. Are you sick?" Taerin yelled, looking away. "Oh right sorry baby." He smiled, half making fun of her tossing the cigarettes aside.

"Anyway what do we do today uh? Lets have some fun before you leave all of us." He laughs out loud. At this point Taerin think that he has a serious mental problem going on. "Release me. I'll do anything you want."

"You're so good at lying. Do you think I'm that stupid? There's no way you would want to follow my order." He kicked the chair, causing it to break and Taerin to fell so hard on the floor it hurts so bad.

"Listen, I have given you a lot of chances. To love me but you still want to be with that jerk. What do I lack, gorgeous?" he held up her chin. There was no sorrow left in her eyes, just revenge. She hated him. "I have my husband with me. Why would I even bother to love you? You're a psycho."

"After what he did to you? Idiot." He hit her head hard causing Taerin to groan in pain again.

"You trapped him!"

"Funny how I did trapped him. You were so close to be mine but you are planning back to go to him. Im so sad. Why do the person I like always leave me?" He said, rubbing his neck. "Huh I don't know but hey Kim Taerin. You make me go insane I now know why your husband is so head over heels for you. You're too perfect," he caressed her face, touching her jaw slowly leaning over. Taerin couldn't avoid him as he was too strong until his phone is ringing. He cursed, picking it up walking out of the room shutting the door.

Taerin sighs as her stomach starts to growl again, she reached for the bread he tossed just now struggling she tried to open the plastic eventually succeed.

"Minho please help me." Taerin whines, biting the bread. She feels like dying, her tummy hurts so bad as she fell to the front. She could only hope her baby is okay.

"I know you know where Taerin is." Minho yelled as he follow the female from behind.

"I don't? Stop following me. Get out of my house before I call the police." Dahyun shouted, pointing to the door. "Dahyun- noona. Just tell us where Taerin is." Jeongin fold his arms, standing next to Minho. "I know you have always hated her but going to this extent is too much." Minho chuckled as he step back roaming around her house, making her annoyed. "I don't know where she is. Stop assuming things. Now please get out."

"Uh right. You must be planning things with Momo as well. Lets go." Minho dragged her out of her house, pushing her inside his car. They all get in as Minho lock the car. Dahyun tried to open it but failed. "Child lock." Jeongin smiled at her, putting on his seatbelt.

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