65. acceptance

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"Chaeyoung......" Minho sighs too hard for him to accept it. Literally to hard. He didn't get the chance to apologise like a man. He missed her too much. They won't know if she's ever going to wake up.

"She's in comma due to excessive bleeding on her head. Not to mention the strong pounding against her tummy thus we, I'm sorry we couldn't save the baby." She explained as her voice shakes. Minho feel like his world darken. The baby, too?

"Hate to break it to you about this but you need to know that the chance of her getting amnesia when she wake up soon is, high. I don't know it might happen, it might not but we cant predict the time she's going to be awake from the coma." She sighs.

As he was about to lose himself, closing his eyes Chaeyoung place both of her hands on his shoulders. "Minho... please. You need to be strong, you have to be strong. For her. I'm sure she will be sad as well about this but we have no choice. She hate it seeing you like this I know that." Chaeyoung said, patting his back. She's so good with words and comforting but that doesn't change the fact that how damaged his heart is at the moment.

"I can't be strong all the time." Minho said, tearing up. "She needs you." Chaeyoung said, looking at Taerin from the outside. "You can go talk to her. I believe she can hear you despite of her condition right now." Chaeyoung said, opening the door ordering Minho to step inside. He walk towards Taerin and sit at the chair next to her bed. He hold her right hands, gripping it tightly he peck it, putting her soft hand on his cheek. "You can hear me right?" Minho said, caressing her cheeks, stroking her hair.

"I have been thinking about you since I woke up this evening. You really never leave my mind." He said, rubbing her hand with his thumb. "I love you so much."

"Wake up soon, remember me. Although I hurt you a lot in the past but remember me okay?"

"I'm such a bad guy. Showed up late to our supposedly to be sweet date. Sorry Taerin. Maybe you really deserve better."

"I didn't know the woman who I thought I was just going to play with turns out to be the woman I would die for. The woman I loved dearly. The one who I can't be far with. Who makes me go crazy all the time. I guess marrying you was the best thing that happened in my life? I'm so lucky to have you." He kissed her hand.

"I liked you. I started to develop feelings for you but I was hesitated to tell you because I once swear to not love anymore but eventually I? I fell too hard for you at some point I really don't want to let you go you're just amazing you know that?"

"Also, remember when you gifted me the Audi? I was so happy that I cried alone in my room that night. It's like, I don't know it's not about the car but the fact that you actually give it to me was fascinating. Knowing I was just a stupid gold digger who was just after your money and wealth." He chuckled a little recalling how stupid he was. He saw Taerin hand that he was holding twitches a bit. "Uhm? You heard me I know. Wake up soon okay? I wanna live with you. Shower you with love and kisses like how I did then."

"You need to be strong. Our baby is in better place. Please, please promise me you will stay strong for our little baby up there okay? It might be hard but you're strong Taerin. You did a great job as a mommy. Baby loves you a lot." Minho caressed her cheeks, touches her hair slowly.

"Wake up...." He slowly broke down. As much as the words he said to Taerin to be strong, wishing her could actually hear it, deep inside he's broken too much. "I promise to be here always, wake up Taerin." He said, holding her hands tightly. His eyes are red and puffy due to him crying so badly.

"I don't know what do I do if you leave me, please don't leave me."

"I sound like a fool now, maybe. My heart cracked a bit when you actually asked me if you were just a toy. I've never felt like you're just a doll to me. You're a person who eventually changes me in and out. I remember when you actually brought a whole ass contract." Minho chuckled.

"I thought you were just joking but I just play along and sign the papers." He laughs, kissing her hand again. "Sleep well princess but not for too long. Take a rest from this cruel world, me. You've been through a lot." Minho lay his head next to her, slowly falling asleep grabbing her hands tightly.

Chaeyoung who's watching from far couldn't help but to avoid crying since Taerin's parents are there. "Chaeng you're a doctor don't cry." She mumbled. Bobby chuckled looking at her who's fanning her own face. "It's okay you can cry Chaeyoung." He said, patting her back. "The chance for her to survive is low, Bobby. I still don't get a way to actually tell him." Chaeyoung mumbled.

"Taerin is a strong person. I know her. Don't worry too much." Bobby replied.

And when they remove the life support machine?

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